94|did you know

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STILINSKI STARED DOWN at his coffee cup.  Next to it was a file.  A file he needed to talk to Stiles about.  But it seemed the only time he could talk to his son nowadays was either in the morning before they leave, or when their lives weren't in danger. 

   Snapping out of his thoughts, Stilinski's head snapped up at the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. 


   "Yeah, Dad?"  Stiles called back, entering the kitchen to find a tired-looking Stilinski. 

   "Where's Beck?"  Stilinski asked, eyes moving to the space behind Stiles.  Checking to see if she was there. 

   "She's upstairs getting ready," Stiles answered, eyebrows furring together as he gestured to the stairs.  "What's up?" 

   "I... did that research you asked me for," Stilinski said, patting the file on the counter before sliding it to his son. 

   Instantly, Stiles's eyes landed on the file before he snatched it off of the counter. 

   "'Seven-year-old boy found in Preserve claiming parents died in a fire.'"  Stiles read the first page aloud before looking up at his dad.  "Wait, why does this sound familiar?" 

   "That's the file Beck read when I was going through my old cases," Stilinski explained as he leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. 

   "That was Luka?" 

   Stilinski nodded.  "I didn't recognize the name till I found the file.  Fifteen years ago, nine-one-one was flooded with calls of smoke coming from the Preserve.  An abandoned trailer park had caught fire.  We were called out to help investigate.  I found this kid, Luka, about half a mile from the site.  Kid was hysterical, claiming he had to find 'the baby and the book'." 

   "Protect the baby, protect the book," Stiles muttered to himself. 


   "Luka started chanting that as the orderlies dragged him away.  Protect the baby, protect the book."  Stiles looked down in thought before turning back to his father.  "So, what happened to Luka after that?" 

   "What else, we put him in Child Protective Services," Stilinski hummed as he shrugged his shoulders.  "But the kid started running.  Snuck out of every foster and group home he was placed in.  Every time returning to the place he was found.  It didn't matter if he was placed in Beacon County or the other side of the state, that kid always returned to the Preserve determined to find what he was looking for.  It got to a point where we had a deputy stationed there whenever we got a call that Luka had ran away." 

   "But why was he looking for a baby?" 

   "Not just any baby.  He claimed he was looking for his baby sister."   Stilinski sighed as Stiles's eyes widened.  "For the first couple of months, we searched for this baby he was looking for, but came up with nothing.  Soon, Child Protective Services got tired of his constant running, claimed there was no baby and that Luka was crazy.  They ended the search and when he turned ten, sent Luka to Eichen House.  He's been there ever since." 

   Stiles looked down at the file in his hands, eyes landing on a photo of a seven-year-old boy.  Stiles could slightly see the resemblance of the boy to Luka.  Same blue eyes and dirty blond hair.  But Luka's face had thinned from years at Eichen, his eyes had dulled, and his hair had gone limp and greasy. 

   Twelve years at Eichen House were not kind to Luka Narrah.

   "Did you ask what the baby's name was?" 

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