92|the funeral

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"WE ARE HERE because, in one way or another, we've been touched by Andrew's life," the pastor spoke, looking out to the small crowd gathered for the funeral.  For Drew's funeral.  "And each of us feels his loss deeply." 

   Derek lifted his arm, wrapping it around Beck's shoulder as they sat in the back of the church.  Behind them sat Melissa and Stilinski as the rest of the pack filled out the two pews. 

   Mrs. Wayne sat in the front, surrounded by family members as she cried quietly to herself.  The rest of the church was filled with family friends, classmates of Drew, and the entire basketball team. 

   Everyone's focus was on the pastor and the open casket next to him, Drew lying peacefully inside.  Flowers and blown-up photos surround him. 

   "This is the first time I've been to a funeral," Beck whispered, eyes focused on a blown-up picture of Drew in his basketball uniform. 

   He looked so happy. 

   When Derek didn't respond, Beck continued.  "We didn't have anyone to bury after the fire.  Laura was buried in the backyard like a dog.  We weren't invited to Erica or Boyd's funeral, and I was in the hospital during Aiden and Allison's.  This is the first funeral I've ever been to, and it's for my boyfriend." 

   Liam sat forward slightly, watching Beck as she stared expressionlessly at Drew's casket, everyone with super hearing listening to Beck's hushed words. 

   "We gather here today to honor and remember Andrew Wayne.  During this time of pain and suffering, we find comfort in sharing memories and remembering the life that was lost."  The pastor then stepped to the side, gesturing to the podium.  "At this time, I welcome those who wish to share some final words and thoughts of Andrew." 

   "You gonna go up?"  Derek whispered as the high school's basketball coach stood, walking to the podium. 

   But Beck shook her head, looking down to her hands clasped in her lap.  Derek tightened his arm around Beck, rubbing his hand up and down as Melissa reached forward to squeeze Beck's shoulder. 

   They listened as the coach laminated about what a good student and player Drew was, how he always had his head in the game and how he was determined and devoted to what he loved but was taken too soon, too suddenly.  Then others spoke.  Family members, family friends that watched Drew grow up, teammates, and some close friends.  Each talked about how Drew was a good person, how he would be missed, how his death was too sudden. 

   Aspen made a great show of crying uncontrollably at the podium.  Some basketball players shook their heads with scuffs at her over-dramatized show, one turning in his seat to look at Beck.  She couldn't remember, but Beck slightly recalled Drew introducing him as Josh.  Josh Diaz. 

   Soon the pastor returned, reciting one last prayer before calling the pole bearers to carry Drew's casket away.  The pack watched as select members of the basketball team stood, gathering around the casket before slowly marching it down the aisle. 

   As they slowly passed, Beck could feel her emotionless demeanor cracking. 

He was really gone. 

   Covering her mouth with her hand, Beck choked out a sob as Derek pulled her close.  "I know," Derek whispered into her hair as the small blonde cried.  "I know." 


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