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"BECK," DEREK CALLED softly as he nudged her leg.  "Beck, time to wake up."  His sister released a groan as she shifted underneath the covers.  "C'mon, rise and shine," Derek continued as he made his way to the bathroom.  

   "No.  Must sleep."  Beck groaned as she shoved her head underneath the pillow.  "Sleep good," her muffled voice called from under the fabric.  

   "C'mon, it's time to wake up.  It's almost one o'clock."  Derek said as he gave her leg one more nudge before stepping into the in-suite kitchen of the motel room they were staying in.  

   "In the MORNING?!"  Beck cried from under the pillow.  

   Derek chuckled at her with a shake of his head.  "No, in the afternoon."  Beck groaned again as she pulled the covers over her head.  Derek continued to chuckle.  He turned his back to her, pulling take-out food from their plastic bags.  "I got food from that diner we used to go to."  

   Hearing the shifting of blankets, Derek glanced over to see Beck peeking out from under the covers.  "What kind?"  

   Derek chuckled as he placed the food on the table.  "Does it matter?"  As he predicted, his baby sister crawled out from under the covers and approached the table.  

   "Seeing as you have food," Beck observed as she sat at the table.  "It means you left me alone.  Again."  

   "Only for a couple of hours."  

   Beck scuffed as she glared up at Derek.  "Someone could have killed me."  

   Derek looked down at her as he handed her a take-out container.  "I locked the door."  

   Beck shook her head as she looked down at her pancakes, her mouth-watering at the sight of the hot food.  "When we find Laura, I'm going to tell her that you left me alone, not once but twice.  In the same twenty-four-hour period.  See what she does then."  

   Derek grew silent as he turned away from his sister, sitting on the bed.  His face was stone cold, devoid of any emotion.  How was he going to tell her?  

   Beck noticed Derek's change in mood.  Given her brother was always moody, but he was always grumpy, never sad.  Beck turned her attention to her brother, forgetting about her very late breakfast.  "Derek, what is it?"  

   Derek sucked in a breath as he looked up at his baby sister.  "Rebecca," he said softly.  "Something happened."  

   Beck's breath quickened.  Derek never called her by her full name.  The only time he ever did was when she was in trouble.  Or when something bad happened.  

   Derek reached forward and grabbed ahold of her hand, not meeting her eyes.  "I found out why Laura was missing," he continued softly, rubbing small circles with his thumb into the back of her hand.  "Beck, Laura's dead."  

   Beck's heart seemed to stop immediately.  "What?"  Beck whispered as the feeling of tears appeared.  She pulled away, shaking her head.  "No, she can't be.  She... she's an alpha.  She's a Hale.  She can't be dead.  YOU'RE WRONG!"  

   Beck stumbled away from Derek before collapsing into a fit of sobs.  Derek stood slowly and approached the shaking form of his sister, sitting next to her.  He gently pulled her onto his lap, holding her close.  

   "How do you know?"  She sobbed softly into his chest.  Derek brushed his hand through her long blonde hair as she continued.  "How do you know it was Laura?  It could have been anyone."  

   "It was her," Derek said softly, resting his chin on top of her head.  "I found her body in the woods, near the house.  It had her scent.  It was faint but it was her."  He rubbed his hand up and down her arm as he continued.  "Beck, she was ripped in half.  I... I only found the upper half.  The police have the other half.  It was a trap, set up by hunters to catch us."  

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