61|so that happened

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"SO, THEN STEPHANIE turns to me and goes if you don't have the guts to ask him out maybe I will. I mean, who the hell does she think she is." Jules grumbled as she and Beck walked down the hallway. Beck glanced over at her best friend as she retold about the drama that happened in her last class. "I have been working my ass off to get Noah to even agree to be my partner and out of nowhere Stephanie comes over and ruins my hard work. Like, the nerve of some people. I mean, I know she's cute and all but she doesn't have to act like a bitch."

"Did you tell her to back off?" Beck asked, stopping in her tracks to turn to Jules.

"I tried but then Mr. Brimmer came by and decided to stick his fat nose in it," Jules growled, waving her arms like Stiles did when he was frustrated.

"So, what happened?"

"He assigned Noah and Stephanie to be partners," Jules grumbled, hugging her arms to her chest. "And I got that weirdo, Louie."

Beck opened her mouth to say something when a head of long brown hair caught her eye. Knitting her eyebrows together, Beck watched as the owner of the head of hair turned down a hallway.

"I... I just realized I have to go do something," Beck told Jules as she moved to follow. "See you at lunch."

Rushing down the hall, Beck weaved her way through the crowd trying to keep an eye on the person she was following. Only when they reached the hallway to the locker rooms did the girl slow down enough for Beck to catch up.

"Cora!" Beck hissed, grabbing onto her sister's arm. Turning, Cora glared down at Beck. "Cora, what are you doing here?"

"Something that needs to be done," Cora growled back before entering the boy's locker room.

"Cora!" Beck hissed again as she rushed after her sister.

Glancing around, Beck looked for Cora before the sound of scratching on glass made her jump. Beck covered her ears as she followed the sound, finding Cora carving a spiral into the glass of Coach's office door.

Once finished, Cora stepped back, admiring her work.

"Are you crazy?" Beck hissed, mouth opened as Cora turned to her sister again. "You can't just go around carving spirals into everything."

Glancing towards the door, Cora quickly grabbed Beck's arm before pulling her behind the wall of lockers.

The door to Coach's office opened with a squeak before banging against the wall. "Derek?" Aiden's voice called out.

"Aiden, stop, please," Lydia's voice begged. Beck perked her head up. Why was Lydia with Aiden? The other day, Lydia told Beck that she was ignoring Aiden because of his involvement in killing Boyd.

"I'm right here Derek," Aiden continued, ignoring Lydia.

"I'll scream," Lydia warned.

"You want a fight, Derek?" Aiden called out to the locker room. Determination clouded Cora's face as she moved, Beck reaching out desperately to stop her. "Come and get me."

Cora then tackled Aiden, ramming him into the lockers. Without warning she started clawing at his chest, ripping his shirt, and cutting open his skin.

"Cora!" Beck shouted as she ran to Lydia's side, both girls instantly grabbing onto the other's arm. "Cora stop!"

Aiden roared, flashing his blood-red eyes as he grabbed Cora's swinging arm. Leaning forward slightly, Aiden snarled before grabbing Cora by the neck and flung her across the room.

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