Chapter 10: D-day Pt 2 & explaining

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'ready!' with that I engulfed the trio fools, in ice and enforced it with Glutton shield behind the growing ice, it took the form of a camellia flower closing the bombs within itself. A ice stem grew from the ground to prevent the flower from making contact to the ground and even pushed it back more. ah the corner of my sleeves ripped due to the force of the technique and turned slightly blue due to the lack of warmth of my artifact, my hands are going to suffer from mild flash freeze.

But as the bombs exploded, I felt the shield shake a little, but with it being enforced by Abyss's ice. We were able to contain the explosion. The 3 mana bombs did cause the ice to shake a little, but once I know that the explosion was over, I released the shield, as the ice also crumbled with the lack of a support. 'it stings.' I mentally grumbled and looked at my hand, taking a step back, as it was blue and hard to move. 'Frostbites.' I blew at it with warmer air, trying to warm it back up. As I disengaged the rune barrier which protected my hyungs and strolled to them. 'How annoying.'

"Cale! Are you alright?" Eric panicky asked, but an idea popped in my head as I smiled and placed my hands on his warm neck. Causing him to jump and scream cold. Then I felt a knot in my throat and withdraw my hands to cover my mouth, as blood spilled. "Blood!"


"Calm down hyung. It's a small matter don't call a priest." I told them and wiped it, as Rosalyn just looked shocked, but I grabbed my handkerchief to clean the blood of my hand. "Rosalyn nim, the issue isn't over yet. Please don't relax yet." I told her and she nodded and turned to keep an eye on the Crazy Blood mage.

Beacrox and Choi Han looked like they wanted to come there, but they were being blocked by the guards. But they still forced their way through when the bastard mage descended closer to the ground. "This is completely unexpected. How fun." he commented, but when he took a look at Rosalyn, he seems to recognize her from somewhere, despite using my disguise rune that never got returned. "This is great! There are so many colors of blood that I -" I got tired of his rubbish, as I pulled my wires and hooked onto his left foot. Before tugging him to the ground.

The fool was so surprised at the sudden force as he landed on his back with his levitation spell not active anymore. I also used a mana blocking rune and voice sealing rune on his throat. Rendering him useless as I let the others take him. 'Cale, you are running on the last of your energy. Be careful.' Crybaby warned me and I already feel the headache.

"He has a teleportation scroll!" someone yelled as another black cloaked person appeared and snatched the crazy mage away and ran off, but not before Choi Han took one of his arms off.

"That is one thing done. Let change it before it overrun." I mumbled to myself, as I walked over to my hyungs.

"Young Master Cale, what are you planning to do?" Amiru asked and I smirked, before snapping my fingers and there was a sudden light erupting from below everyone. But as it disappeared all eyes were turned to Choi Han, Rosalyn and Beacrox. Then my nosebleed, like a damn waterfall.

As the crown prince approached the heroes, I held my nose and gestured to everyone that we will be hiding and not revealing ourselves. "Young Master Cale, what did you do?" Taylor Stan asked me, as I lean against a wall, holding my bleeding nose with my handkerchief.

"I will explain it over supper or dinner... supper, this headache is a pain. No one mention about anything and about my involvement in this... I trust you will at least keep silent until I explain to you the situation." I bluntly said and they nodded, as we watched the glib tongue of the prince at work. Praising Choi Han, Beacrox and Rosalyn. They were brought to the Crown Prince's carriage, and walking along the crowd, than I determined that the event was done for now. All of us headed to our respective lounging, as I met with Lock, On, Hong and Raon half-way.

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