Chapter 129: Illness, Poison, Chaos

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"Well, maybe not the palace. But we are looting the church, of course. Let's leave before we arouse suspicion."

He told Raon as they quietly snuck out the way they came. With a single rewind rune, the damage they caused was fixed, but they left with two important items, in Raon's spatial dimension.

Dame Felicia was still alert, as Cale removed the illusion and returned back to the servant, who was slowly waking up from being knocked out.

"Sir Jim, are you alright?"

Cale switched to his slightly naive attitude as he assisted the servant, who snapped awake.

"W-what happened?"

"You must be dehydrated. Shall we return back to get some refreshments?"

Cale kindly said, as the servant just blushed and agreed with the kind noble. They were able to sneak back to the refreshment area to see a bunch of Roan's other envoys resting. The cute servant bowed, as he had never met a noble as kind as him, before he returned back to work.

'I really want to steal him from the Empire. He is cute.'

Cale thought to himself, as he got a cold refreshment, for himself and Raon.

-Are you going to tell Choi Han or the prince what you found?-

Raon asked telepathically, but Cale shook his head. As he has no reason to tell the prince or his mutt. At the corner of his eyes, he spotted Hans arriving with On and Hong in his arms.

"Young Master Cale."

Miss Rosalyn called out to him as he mentally twitched, before turning to her.

"How may I help you, Hero Rosalyn-nim?"

"His Highness is calling for you."

As Rosalyn said that, Cale's mental mood just dropped, but he didn't show it in his face.

"Very well. Shall we go?"

Cale just followed her, as they went into a well furnished room in the church, with the Crown Prince and the heroes all resting there.

"It is good to see young master Cale so diligent in his investigation."

As much as Cale wanted to sass back at this annoying prince. He knows this conversation would be watched by the other spies hiding everywhere.

"Did the young master find anything worth noting?"

'Are you really asking me, in my face, while we are here?'

Cale mentally yelled, but did not show it on his face.

"There is nothing worth noting aside from the location of the bombs and how the whole incident was set up perfectly to cover up the real bombs and to hide it from plain sight. It was certainly a perfect crime."

Cale described, as the prince just looked very amused, as Cale continued.

"But I wasn't really paying too much attention. As I have never been to a Vatican before, much less a church. Unless I had to do things."

He admitted, which was no lie. He never bothered exploring a Vatican or church, unless it's a rest point during the war, or to blow it up in retaliation. But since war had yet to start, he plans to loot the place, clean. Then blow it up.

Blowing up churches back then, was what Cale liked to do during his free time. As much as he hated to admit then, he had interacted with a lot of gods in his head. It wasn't the same with Cage and Saint Jack. but it was equally annoying. So, in retaliation, he blew up any churches he saw.

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