Chapter 135: Divine items

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At Super Rock Villa, where Cage and the sun twins were staying at. The moment the redhead walked into their room, Cage started frowning.

"What are those things you have with you?"

She screeched and pointed at the spatial pouch that Cale carries with him. Cale just smiled and fished up the two divine items.


Cage yelled at Cale, who just looked a bit confused. The latter just groaned while holding her head, before she added one more thing.

"He wants you to be his Saint."

"Absolutely not. Time to burn down some god of Death's temple."

"Let me join."

Both ladies raised their hands, only for Jack to give them the disappointed look.

But Cale ignored their glances and pulled out two items of their respective gods. And Hannah snorted while Cage cursed.

"Why do you pick them up like you are collecting pretty gems? With these two, you got a total of 3 divine artifacts."

Hannah asked Cale who shrugged his shoulders.

"Cale-nim is really a future saint."

Jack praised and Cale shivered at their compliment.

"No. I'm handing them to you two. At least the damn book to Cage, I don't want to take care of it. If I had my way, I would burn that book. Especially that book."

Cale grumbles, as he glares at the white book with the author, A Heartfelt Death. Cage also gave her not cute dongsaeng a glare as she looked at the book.

"Then why not burn it?"

Cage asked back, not wanting to touch the book as well.

"It might be useful when dealing with a certain Radish... So, it can stay in existence for a while."

Cale admitted, as they turned to the old compact mirror and looked at Jack, who seemed to be shivering at the sheer presences of the item.

"Jack, you must be new to this presence. It is the aura of god."

Cale explained as Hannah also noticed and wrapped an arm over her brother.

"Why are you fine, Cale-nim? Have you felt the gods' aura before? Was it before you were rejected to be a saint?"

Hannah asked to lighten the mood, which it did, as Cale had the face of annoyance, at how much garbage those gods dragged him into, through Cage (of the previous timeline, of course Aster was also dragged along) and how they dragged him to their world temporarily.

"Too many times."

"What does Cale-nim want to do with the Sun God's divine item?"

Jack asked, as he calmed down a little.

"Do what you wish with it, Jack nim."

The regressor told the future Saint of the Sun God.

Jack clasped his shaking hands together and looked towards both ladies. Before reaching his hand out for the compact mirror. The compact mirror was soon placed in his hand. Cale had put it in there. As the future saint opened the compact mirror.


He could see the old cracked mirror inside.


Jack's eyes opened wide. As he looked toward Cale with shook.

"T-there are letters written on the mirror....!"

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now