Chapter 51: Ron's return & Plan of Destruction

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The trip back to the Henituse territory was peaceful, with Cale resting as much as he could while leaving Aster and Hans to deal with the other things. As much as Aster helps Beacrox in the kitchen, he gets kicked out not long later. There were some fights and sparring, but the trip was overall peaceful.

But when have anything been peaceful for Cale. Because the moment he stepped into Harris Village, another trouble was brewing in the area.

5 days before Cale and crew returned to Harris Village.

Leeb-An City.

Bud was working his ends off searching for the ores that Cale wanted to buy, which can only be purchased in the Eastern Auction. And how much did he want for them?

All of it.

'Why did I agree to work for him?'

Bud had purchased all of those black ores, 3 whole chucks of it, for 500 billion gallon. Bud was planning to make Cale pay a commission for all of these.

(more like he would have him one of his gold plaques).

Once Glenn had bagged all the loot, they were on the way back to their HQ, when Bud picked up a familiar scent of a certain mage, but it was covered with more blood.

'Is Aster hurt? But he isn't someone who would let himself get hurt.'

Bud thought to himself, but followed the scent, catching the attention of Glenn who was wondering where his boss was running off to.

"Bud. Don't tell me you are going to drink again?"

"Wait. I smell something."

Glenn then understood something, he never doubted Bud's nose, as it got them more information than any information broker. Therefore he placed them under an invisibility before following him to an alley to see the culprit of the scent.

An assassin covered in blood and missing an arm, like he cut his own arm.


"I know. That bastard won't let me live, if I don't do something."

Bud grumbled, as he pulled out the emergency potions that Cale made him carry. Before Glenn dropped the invisibility, shocking the assassin, who quickly drew his dagger with his other hand. Making Bud take a step back for a moment, before opening his mouth.

"You are the butler of Cale Henituse, am I right? We are allies of Cale."

He announced and the moment Ron heard his dear puppy's name coming out of the bespectacled mercenary's mouth, he still frowned but he didn't point his dagger at him anymore.

"Leave me be. It's dangerous to be here now."

"Glenn, take us to Cale's base."


They ignored the assassin, as Bud poured the potion onto the old man's wounds, as Glenn started creating his teleportation spell.


"Because that kid would have my head, if I let you die."

"Ready for teleportation, in 3, 2, 1."

With that the group teleported away, a good 5 minutes faster, before the place was swarmed with Arm members.

They caused a ruckus at Harris Village, but Cale people immediately gathered the potions to help stabilize the poisoned man.

With Cale and crew, still 5 days before they reach Harris Village.

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