Chapter 19: Moment of peace (for now)

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AN: Reason Cale knows how to cook.

Because his partner can't. They are a natural born kitchen disaster. Therefore, Cale has to learn how to do it. To feed the team in the past. 
Bless your soul Beacrox.


Cale took charge of the rebuilt Harris village and brought teachers for the children, as they want to learn to fight, read and write. A new library was built and even a music room was build. While they settled down into the place.

Even a couple of knights who followed him to the capital decided that they will serve him instead of the Henituse. Such as Hillsmen, who is marveled by their master's strength that they decided to follow him. Like how Beacrox followed Choi Han. And often wants to spar with him, but he loses every time.

Their master made a lot of things during the 1 week after they sent the Whales home. But the main thing that the children bargain and he will oblige is the music night, every fortnight, unless he is busy or not around. And the children heard a lot of music. Even Basen and Lily have snuck off to listen.

When they got the message that Choi Han was returning with the others, Cale immediately frowned, but didn't say anything to the children who were cheering along. "Do you not like that they are coming back?" On whispered to Cale's ears as he stayed and watched the children clean up after the dinner that Hans and the young master prepared.

"Of course not. It good that they returned. Then I can go and get ready my next job. I can't leave the children alone, can I? I promised to take care of them, so I will do what I promised."

Cale explained as he returns to his room, to drink more of the mermaid poison. 'By the time, they arrive, I would have finished this. Then I will be immune to the poison. Good luck, Crybaby.'


'Good luck Crybaby.' Glutton cheered.

'We are cheering you on.' Thief continued. But the vitality of heart just yells at his owner, who is drinking poison like it wasn't poison. As there was a sharp pain which followed, but the latter just endures it without a single noise. He place the poison back into the spatial bag he always carries around.

Before he went back to finish up the Wolfbane potion, the potion he named which can be used for Beast people. Once it was done, he tested it on himself, before smirking at the results. Hans arrived to assist, but upon finding out where his young master was going he was shocked.

"Young Master Cale, how do you plan on getting to the Eastern Continent without coordinates."

"I have coordinates. But I will head to Ubarr territory to hand my gifts to Lady Amiru and have her sent it to Gilbert and Eric hyung." he explained, leaving out the part where Witira also wanted to meet him for another exchange.

"How long will you be gone?"

"Who knows? I will try to keep it within a week. But no promises. I'm bring Raon, On and Hong." he told the butler.

"May I come along?" Hans asked and a memory of the dedicated butler following him around flashed in his mind. Making him smirk.

"I like that, but I don't trust Hillsmen with the cooking and Beacrox will probably only allow you into the kitchen. So, stay and take care of everyone. I shouldn't take too long. I'm just going to befriend someone and bring them back here. I will bring back gifts from my travel. In the mean time, find Freesia, she should be in our territory."

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