Chapter 57: The in-between

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This is what was going on, from Cale planning to destroy Hais Island 5, to after they return back to Harris Village.

Here is the in between when Cale mentioned that he had sent the king a letter about going to destroy an island.

So, he sent a letter via Cherry and it wasn't a letter for permission asking. It was just a mere notice.

[I will be destroying Hais Island 5.

-Cale Henituse]

"Gordon, is this sent by our dear Luke?"

Zed Crossman asked as he read the note, with a calm expression.

"It's brought over by Snow. But it's signed off by Young master Cale."

Gordon Windchester pointed out the obvious.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, my majesty."

This then caused the king's blood pressure to rise, at how similar these two people (Luke and Cale) are before he faint on the spot.





"Is someone talking about me?"

A certain Archduke asked himself as he rode his steed back to the Henituse territory, as he as a couple of questions he need to ask his dear older brother, Deruth.

After reading the report about his sister-in-law dead and his brother remarrying 6 months later, is an annoying thought to him.

Did Cale know about this? Did that stupid brother of his neglect his cute and adorable nephew because he looks like his wife? Does he have to beat that fool up?

So many things went through the swordsman's head, as the report also said that his dear nephew started becoming trash after that. He recalled when he was constantly called illegitimate child too many times and unlike how Cale protects his new step-mother and step-brother. No one protected him, so he stayed silent, like a dead rat.

Until the menace called Crown Prince Zed, their foreign guest Jour and James, kept dragging him into their shit. By his 'father' order, Deruth was made to follow him to the capital, there he met his first wife who fell in love with this goody two shoes. And they got married.

But now his brother is remarried, his nephew has a trashy reputation, many former vassal members were executed, Luke is just wondering what is going on with his stupid brother.

'he didn't even send me a wedding invitation. Where is the loyalty?'

As he arrived at Rain City, he presented his ID to the guards, before being allowed into the city. His birth place and the place that never accepted him.


Did he care?

Not at all.


In the peaceful office, where the Count of Henituse resides and does all his paperwork. He was still in a daze when Hans came with the information and news about the 2nd prince being knocked off his chance of being king. And the House of Brown being under the House of Henituse.

He was so shocked that he didn't process anything else said by the butler, before he excused himself.

This shock was only broken when there were yelling for someone to stop. Then hell broke loose when the doors to the office was slammed opened and in walked a familiar brunette with violet eyes.

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now