Chapter 52: Hais Island 1

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Aster had a frown on his face, but just sighed and continued with the plan as formerly discussed while they talked to Paseton, who held onto the device most of the time, on behalf of the Whales.

As Cale reached the Cliff of Winds, he blew into the conch shell to call them over. It took about a day for them to arrive, as they were informed before hand about the whole situation.

"Time to go."


The large Whales swimming across the horizon suddenly disappeared. Instead, a single person appeared in front of Cale.

"Young master Cale, long time no see."

"Good to see you as well, Paseton."

The mixed-blooded Whale, Paseton. Only, the small Humpback Whale turned into his human form so that he could appear in front of Cale and company. Raon, Aster, Felicia, Choi Han and Rosalyn were the only ones with Cale on this now dark cliff.

"Is everything ready?"

"We had this conversation before. We are ready for the fight, Cale-nim."

As information were already relayed to the Whales through their network. Their goals was to destroy one of the bases of the organization helping the mermaids and get the cure for Ron. 2 goals

"Thank you for preparing quickly."

"We are allies aren't we? Plus, I'm just repaying my debt."

There were looks of confusion on the new comer's face, along with the hero party, but Cale ignored them as there were pressing things to address.

"We can leave right away."


Cale was preparing to leave leave very quietly late at night. They were not going to depart from the port, as there were many soldiers patrolling the area right now.

Cale was currently on the island that was farthest away from the coast. Everyone moved here earlier during the day.



Paseton was in awe as he looked at the group. He had expected On and Hong, but there were more people than he expected. He could also feel that they were all pretty strong.

Paseton though he might have misread because he was one of the weaker Whales, but he seemed to be the right based on the reactions of the two Killer Whales that came with him.

"Archie, long time no see."

Archie, the Killer Whale that served as Whale King Shickler's guard, bowed with a stiff expression. He then turned his gaze away from Cale right away.

Cale's gaze, as well as the Black Dragon staring at him from behind Cale, made him feel odd.

Raon started to speak at that moment.

"Are we riding this Killer Whale?"

"Do you want to?"


"Ask him for permission first."

Raon then started to flying around the mentioned Whale, pestering him to let him ride on his back. Archie started to frown. When he heard what the little dragon just say.

Archie looked towards Paseton, who looked away before starting to speak.

"Ahem, a large ship will be easily spotted, so we will use a medium-size shop in order to have everyone head out to sea, but since we have limited space in the shop and also have an injured patient, Cale-nim and Raon-nim, as well as some other people, will follow us using levitation magic, ahem, before landing on the two of you backs."

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