Chapter 136

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Sorry for disappearing for almost a year. the mood was never there to update or write anything. But I'm back and slowly picking it up again. 

why now?

I found TCF react videos on my youtube suggested feed. 


"Cale Henituse, what the hell did you do?"

Zed Crossman yelled at the red head, as he was being followed by Madam Grace's son, who had been studying and working with Basen on how to manage and control a territory. Along with the now Co-owner of the Scarlet Workshop.

"I fail to understand, your Majesty."

"Yeah. Like receiving a letter from my dongsaeng and a snot filled one, from your father about how you disowned yourself from the Henituse? What did you do?"

"The question is what did Count Deruth do to piss me off. But it is honestly for his own good. So, as agreed, I will be taking my mother's family name. And as per agreement. I think Baroness Lum and her son are worthy enough to receive their Baron title back. Don't you think so?"

Cale announced, as he smiled at the pair behind him.

"Young Master Cale. This is - "

"I think you are worthy enough to take over. Besides, show me that I didn't put my faith in the wrong people."

Both Baron family members nodded to each other and bowed.

"As you wish, Young Master Cale. Baron Scarlet will always be in Henituse's debt."

The new heir declared.


The other occupants were confused by the declaration.

"It is an impulse decision, but I have chosen to discard our tainted family name for a new one. The Lum household will be no more. In its place will be the Scarlet Household."

While the youngster was declaring this to the Regressor, the King and higher up can guess where this name is coming from.

'It is a keepsake of this dense idiot.'

"Do as you wish. I have submitted the documents about the disowning. And if I see any more marriage proposals, I will turn them into fire kindles."

Cale ended this short meeting as he had already sent the documents to the princes, with him. Before he turned to leave the office, to let the king and the renamed Barony deal with the other paperwork which comes with reclaiming the Barony.

When he bumps into another person, it turns out to be Prince Robbit.

"So, what bullshit, do you want us to clean up this time, Cale Henituse?"

"I already sent you the documents, your highness. And that's not my name anymore. It is Cale Thames."

Cale doesn't bother much with explaining as he is busy with the situation at hand. The upcoming war.


"You want me on your back?"

Ubarr territory's coast.

It was currently late at night, after Cale had dropped the now reinstated nobles back to their roles. Before making his way to the coastal territory.

"Yes. we will guide you to the village."

A large Humpback Whale with an X-shaped scar offered her back to Cale.

Witira continued to speak to Cale, who seemed to be hesitating.

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now