Chapter 127: Moguru Empire

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Cale thought to himself, as he got some interesting information from the Sun Twins about the workings of the Church and where they hid their interesting things.

He was on his own, at the side when Lock came wandering to him, as he did not really know how to have a proper conversation with nobles.

"Cale hyung."

"Yes, Lock-nim?"

"Eh? Why is hyung calling me with honorifics?"

Cale just sighed, no matter how big and strong Lock may be. He is still a little child to him and doesn't know too much about the harsher reality that he took effort to slowly introduce to him.

"Because we are in another kingdom's territory. If we were back at Harris village or Roan Kingdom, I would call you informally. But now that we are in foreign nation's territory, you have a higher position than me. I would need to address you respectfully."

[Speculation. I don't know if it is true.]

"I see. So, do I have to call you young master?"

"Normally, that would be the case. Plus, you are considered a commoner and the nobles will be offended if you don't address them respectfully. But for me just call me, however you want."

Cale explained calmly as he watched the Imperial Prince greet every high rank diplomat.

But when it was finally Cale's turn to address the prince, with a handshake. Cale had his default fake smile, as he accepted the prince's handshake. But that handshake suddenly changed as the prince gently held the redhead's hand and kissed the back of his hand.


This action shocked everyone.

Add cue, Cale shivering.

"Eh? Y-your h-highness?"

Cale shuttered. (gasp. He actually shutters), as he tries to keep his instinct from flaring out and smacking the Imperial shit in retaliation.

"It is an honor to meet you, Milady."


Then there was an awkward silence, which followed. As by normal trash persona style, Cale would have normally immediately yelled back at the prince. But this time, there was none of it.

Cale was just internally fuming, yet he did not react.

'If this is amusing, then let me do the same.'

With a twist of his wrist, the Imperial Prince's hand was in Cale and he did the exact same thing to the taller prince. Who just showed a smirk on his lips.

"It's an honor to finally meet the family blessed by the sun gold. Your golden eyes surely dazzle brightly on your people. I'm Cale Henituse, the eldest SON of Deruth Henituse. It is an honor to meet you."

Which was finished up, with flashing a dazzling smile back at the imperial pest and the people behind him. There were many flushed faces, but Cale did not care, as he was trying to not bite the head of one of his enemies in his face.

Both then let go and Cale gave a bow, as the prince moved on. Cale felt like he wanted to throw up his meal, at how fake and disastrous it would have gotten, if he didn't hold back.

'One day, I swear. Your head will be mine.'


Lock called out in worry. As Cale just pats the taller wolf boy's head.


Someone else called for them, and both turned to see the heroes Choi Han and Rosalyn walking over. There was a dark cloud over Choi Han's head, while Rosalyn was just eerily smiling.

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