Chapter 133: Year end mayhem & Will you stay with me?

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When the hero's presence was announced, Roan's envoy and the administrators of the Empire were shocked to see a woman beside the hero.

"Who is that beside the hero?"

"They are beautiful."

"I didn't know Roan had a pretty woman like that."

"Do you think the Imperial Prince will attempt to court her?"

"He does have a thing for redheads."

'This is going to be troublesome.'


On the other hand.

'I want to go home. I can't believe I have done this in the open. Much less nobody recognizes me... are they fools?'

"Young Master Cale does not need to worry. I had asked Aster and Sphinx nim to help enchant the hairpin, to make the wearer unrecognizable. To those they don't know or acknowledge."

'This can work both ways, if i don't want to be recognized by you as well, you know. What is that idiot thinking of agreeing to do this for him?'


Back in Lake Laboratory

Aster sneezed.


"His highness should be entering soon."

Choi Han whispered as they walked into the crowd. Just before they get crowded by the annoying administrators and the other nobles of the Empire.

'Just for this... prepare to get your feet stomped with heels. They can be really painful.'

That was what Cale was planning to do as petty revenge to those who planned this whole dress up and stole his clothes.

With the use of the magic artifact, this naive pup had given him, he made sure that nobody noticed him sneaking away, while the hero is peppered with questions from the Empire's people.

"Entering Roan's Crown Prince and Moguru Empire Imperial Prince."

The two royals entered the ballroom together with a slight look of disappointment on their faces. Why? Cale does not know.

[Fact: they both went to Cale's room to escort him. To find out that he had left already.]

But when they observed the crowd, they could see a hint of red hair in the wave of people. And this places a smile on one of their faces and a frown on the other.

[Based on the dress vote, it doesn't matter what Cale wore. But the Blue dress was from Alberu to match his attire, while the lavender one was to match with Adin's attire. He wore one of them. Therefore, either way, someone will be upset. But I will leave it up to you, the readers.

But knowing the reader-nims. Most of you might choose our Shining Sun of Roan, Alberu's dress.]

Cale does not care too much about it and went off into the corner to hide, before the cute little kitties started their mayhem. He had taken a glass of wine, to sip as he watched how the greedy nobles all crowd the hero and the crown prince.

'This is going to be a drama. And I had Hilsmen and Felicia already set up a couple of emergency exits, if they did not succeed. Nothing should go wrong. I hope.'

Cale hoped, as he went to the buffet table and stole some food, before heading to the balcony.

-Human, this is boring.-

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