Chapter 105: New people

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Unfortunately, the work never ends.

When Cale returned to Harris Village, there were a few new faces, with his uncle standing in front of him, with a smile.

'Ah. So, it was as expected.'

Cale thought to himself as he sees the Baroness Lum and her second son together with two servant with them.

"So. Let me take a guess. The Baron sells the business and fled on his own and made the two of you taken on your debts alone. Then they chased you out of your home, your extended family doesn't want to help and debt collectors chased you here, where you got my uncle to pay for your debt."

Cale recounted, as the other nobles just nodded with shame on their face.

"Well, technically, you paid."

Uncle Luke pointed to the red head, who pretended to look surprise.

"So, they work under you, we were waiting to write up the contract. For their service."

The archduke explained, as the madam flinched. As the service she thinks of, are the night service. She may be attractive in her youth, but the youthfullness has become old and wrinkle. She does not retain her beauty anymore.

"Whatever you are thinking off, purge those thoughts. As I have no need of those kind of services."

Cale guess the lady's thought process, as he headed to the main house which has a sitting room and a contract laid out. The total tally of the debt this Baron clan had accumulated was no small amount of 1 trillion gallon (12 zeroes).

Cale does have that amount of money, but it still annoyed him that whoever that asshole of a Baron borrowed money from, the interest skyrocketed. Cale pinched the bridge of his nose, as he contemplate if these asses are really worth the investment.

But took a deep breathe as what done is done. And they could technically earn the money back no problem. But it still annoyed him.

"They were no help with the chores and even broke several plates."

The twins revealed, as they were a little annoyed at the number of missing utensils.

"I see..."

Cale turns to the mother and son, as Cale pretending to think about what they needed to bind them to. But he already knows what he should do. As this madam is a fashion genius. In the previous timeline, the Baron did not run, and took a debt to pay for his son's gambling, but the appearance of a new trend from this madam's home made clothing, set a trend in the nobility circle. And they easily repaid their debt, but they relied too much on those clothes.

Anyways, what Cale wanted is her fashion designs and he is going to make use of this to get his money back and make it an on-going trend for a long time. As for the young son, he is going to learn to be a proper lord. And take over his brother, whose personality is trash and he should repay his own gambling debts.

"It seems that servant jobs does not work with you two... what should I let you do? are your seamstress skills, madam?"

"My seamstress skills?"

"That is right. You can at least do that right? I heard that your servant had asked for paper and pencils for you. You would either be writing a plan, or designing. Am I right?"

Cale suggested, as she flinched at how accurate his predictions were.

"May I see them?"

The Baroness servant went to retrieve those designs as she quickly returned and handed those designs to him. As Cale immediately smiled at those designs, as he was right. The fashion designer inspiration has emerged. And he plans to use this to his advantage.

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