Chapter 113: Priest's work

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'Aigoo, my difficult life.'

Cale was having the same thoughts Eruhaben frequently had while dealing with Raon.

The scent of blood and burning flesh tickled his nose. However, it didn't do anything to faze him after being in this battlefield for so long. In fact, it felt nostalgic, the familiarity and comfort of a war zone.

However, a new source of stimulation quickly approached him.

Toonka looked toward the teleportation magic circle they installed in secret away from the rest of the soldiers. A total of 7 people had appeared.

Toonka looked toward the man standing in the center with a blank expression as he started to mumble.

"...What the..."

The man in the center put on his trademark twisted smile as he pushed back his hair. Or her hair, he can't tell.

[He took a more Androgyny appearance (look both genders)]

[The gods should just make him change gender.

God!Cale: Please don't.]

The long hair that was close to pure white followed his hand.

Cale Henituse was wearing a white priest outfit without any crest and his hair was just as white as his clothes. The white hair looked like it was faintly glowing, making it look silver as well.

Cale ignored Toonka's confused and red expression and instead looked toward Chief Harol.

"How do I look?"

"I don't think anyone will recognize you, Cale-nim."

'They might flirt with you, though.'

He left that statement unsaid in his head, as the now white head looked a bit too overly proud at their disguise. Before eyeing at the mask in Cale's hand. It was something that could cover only around his eyes.

[Cale-nim is cute. Proud of his disguise. *nods* good job.]

"that mask will definitely make it so nobody can recognize you."

Cale, who now also had blue eyes, smiled gently toward Harol. Harol couldn't help but let out a gasp at Cale's smile.

"You look like a real priest."

"Then it was a success."

Raon, who had followed the coordinates to teleport himself in advance, was curled up in a corner of the tent in his invisible state. He started to speak into Cale's mind after hearing Harol's comment.

-It really is my masterpiece! Human, you look like the real Saint.!-

Raon had been in charge of everyone's disguises this time.

Rosalyn and Choi Han traded colors with each other. Rosalyn had black hair and black eyes, while Choi Han had red hair and red eyes. Aster on the other hand had a deep brown hair and Beacrox made sure to slick his hair with gel, and his eyes were changed green.

The crazy priestess and the Saint had their hair dyed to the common brown color, while Doctor Ray was dyed black instead. They all had masks in their hands as well.

Cale asked Harol a question.

"Where are the patients?"

"Are you planning to start right away?"

Cale put on the white mask and opened up his arms as he started to speak.

"Going to find the people in pain, going to help the people in need, that is truly the will of the lord."

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now