Chapter 72: Raiding a Dragon's lair

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As Cale and co stayed at the Estate for 3 weeks, before they left Rain City to return back to Harris Village.

Rosalyn and Choi Han had returned the annoying 4th prince back to his nation, as they too returned back to the village. Lock had been spending a lot of time training with the twins and the knights, as he tries to grasp Cale's concept of the inner energy.

At the Magic Labs (the lab by the former dead mana pond), there was some activity going on, as Cale and Aster emerged out with a big box. Of paper tags and stones with engraving on them.

Currently Raon and the twins were experimenting on some magic, as they read through the notes that Cale snatched from the Magic Tower.

"Raon-nim, Iris, Geo! Want to see an experiment?"

Aster called out to them as they all nodded their head and came over. Currently they stood by the lab sitting above the water surface of the now clean pond.

"Human what experiment is this?"

Raon excitedly asked as he flew over, and landed beside the box, before peering into the box, which was filled with paper and they were wrapped in string and a slip of paper to group them up.

What happened later.

There were many explosions, which caused everyone to be worried. As they thought that it was an attack. And Cale never told them where their magic labs, so they just ran straight into the forest.

(By the way, Choi Han is going to almost permanently by Alberu's side, because he will be his body guard, until we return back to canon timeline of events. Rosalyn has been staying by Cale side to learn with him and to learn Runes & try to understand them. Luke and Felicia isn't here, because Social Season had started and he is dragged into it. While Felicia has her own family commitments as well.)

It was great that they didn't run into any issue, as they reached the lake which formerly held the Dragon's dead mana, to see laughing mages and Aster having a charred face, for whatever reason.

"...Young master."

Ron frowned at the sight, as he didn't know that this place existed in the Forest Of Darkness.

"Lemon Grampa."

Raon happily cheered as he flew over to greet the new crowd, of Ron, On, Hong, Mary, Rosalyn and Beacrox.

"What is young master doing?"

Ron asked the little dragon. As they walked over to the end of the pond.


As the others all started walking over to the gathering crowd, the twins and Aster walked by the invisible bridge, while Cale walked on the surface of the water towards them.

"It's just some fireworks. Don't worry too much about it, no one got hurt."

"-Excuse me. Collateral damage here!"

Aster interrupted as he points at his charred face. But he isn't hurt, it just produced a lot of smoke and maybe a bit burnt.

"We can use these for the War."

Aster added as he deposited it into a spatial pouch, but that wasn't Cale intentions for the day. As everyone seem a bit bored and he wanted to give them something to do.



Mary called out as everyone approached.

"Okay. I'm bored. Let's go treasure hunting."

Cale declared all of a sudden as he hopped onto land.

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