Chapter 27: Aftermath

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There were some mercenaries still alive, but in an earth cage with a brunette girl and boy lecturing or saying something. Lock, Hans and the children were picking up the little bit of rumble that weren't repair.

"hyung, noona, you returned." Lock said calmly.


"What happened?" Choi Han demanded.

"Wild night." the brunette male that was standing by the cage told them, as he held a sword in hand. "You must be the heroes. Cale nim told us about you."

"Where is the young master?" Beacrox questioned the strangers.

"Sleeping. Apparently, the bad guys have been attacking every night for 14 days and he has been staying up to kill them or chase them away. He is wiped out. We are doing our best with the chores." one of the wolf children told them. Making the strangers look guilty. "Didn't Mister say that it isn't your fault? He had enemies too."

"I know. But they double when me and my sister came. I will return my debts to Cale nim."

"What happened?" Hans then fully explained the situation to them, as they returned to the house, there were some rumble here and there, but the children are all helping to clean. Except Raon, On and Hong, who are sleeping with their human as they worked hard too. The children in Cale's room soon walked out asking for lunch which Beacrox prepared, as Hans handed a document to Rosalyn and Choi Han to see if they were going to take this task.

"It's not exactly a plan, but it is evidence to take down corruptions. It is based on knights Iris and Geo's testimony."

As the heroes read the content, they frown at the information. "How?"

"You don't ask an information broker where they get their information. Young Master Cale thinks this is a good chance for you to earn your keeps and protect the crown prince. As these people are the third prince supporters." Hans explained it to them, as the information was read. "This is an assignment, young master wanted to hand to you. You don't need to kill anyone. Just hand this information to the prince and he will tell you want to do."

"May I ask why?" Lock asked the orange haired butler.

"Because he trust you to at least do these things without asking too much question and he is a busy men, who doesn't take care of himself." Hans bluntly told the group and they sort or understand that part.

Cale Henituse is weird, rumors all speak that he is trash, but this trash is hiding their real self behind a mask, that they have yet to take off. The only person it seems to come off is when he is with that bodyguard of his and Duchess Sonata, according to Choi Han.

When dinner came around, Cale finally moved from his sleep and walked to the dinning area, where he was a bit shock to see the heroes had already returned. "You punks came back early." he commented, simply wearing a loose shirt, which had bandages underneath.

"Young master, you are hurt!" Beacrox shoot up, but Cale held a hand out to stop him from approaching.

"It's a small issue. The wound should have technically healed itself, the others just wanted it covered." Cale waved the issue off as he sat on a chair as Raon landed on his lap. "I'm hungry." the food was served and Cale ate with everyone.

"Cale nim. You have a letter from the Crown Prince." Rosalyn remembered and handed it to the noble who took it and read through the letter.

"Have Aster answered on my behalf. Plus, don't you have another assignment."

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