Chapter 36: Leaving the forest to the jungle

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The next morning, the group was ready to leave and Cale gave them a red thread and let it connected to him, as he lead the group to the exit of the Path of No Return. On was doing her best to create a fogless space for all of them. But since it was Cale, as he claims he can't get lost, as his natural homing instinct was active and it quickly took them to the exit. He even waited for the Southerners when they were tired.

"Should we take another break?"

Cale asked as he felt the thread get tugged on, as he was climbing up a steep slope.

"There is no need, Mr Cale. We can endure this." Litana's subordinates called back, as they noted how the little kitten was concentrating a lot to maintain the fogless area for them.

From their little trip, they can tell that the kitten is capable and strong. Even their benefactor isn't normal. As he seems to be able to navigate the forest without help at all.

'Has he been here for a long time?'

Litana wondered to herself as she followed the raven who walked in front. Just as the road became leveled, everyone took the moment to catch their breathes.

"It's just up ahead. The exit."

Cale told everyone as a large burst of energy from On and the path in front of them was completely cleared, showing a large group of people waiting on the other side. The kitten hopped off Cale's arm, before running up to a red kitten with gold eyes and started nuzzling them.

As the Southerners all walked out in happiness, the young master was approached by 2 brown haired men, who seems to be panic at the sight of their benefactor. They seem to say something, before the latter grabbed the younger one by the face and dragged him off somewhere else.

Not before telling the orange haired butler to tend to his guest, and they were lead to an inn with rooms ready for them for a day's rest, before they depart the next morning.

With Cale, he dragged Aster by the face to his room in the inn, when he and Beacrox approached him, because they smelt blood on him.

-Human coughed out blood.-

Raon told them, but that wasn't the issue we need to deal with first.

Cale closed the door as Raon came in, before slamming the door closed once again.

"You. Change your form."

"Young master, what are you talking about?"

Aster asked with fake respect.

"Huh? I thought a mighty dragon has better ears than humans. Do I need to repeat myself? Change that form, dragon."

-Human? Isn't he uncle ice?-

Raon asked the human.

"No. I got an update from Uncle Ice, he is currently gathering herbs and poison for our project, with Lock. He shouldn't be back till later. So, who are you? Take another form, mind dragon."

Cale declared as 'Aster' flinched, but then he smirked and took a oppressive position on the bed he was thrown onto.

"Impressive human. How did you guess that I was a mind dragon."

"Didn't you read my mind and out my plans to Miss Lina?"

Cale asked back with an annoyed smile. Before 'Aster' then shifted into the form of a beautiful Dark Elf, with short hair and a side braid with a feather. He was dressed in an elegant garment, which he clearly stole from the young master's closet.

"Will this do?"


"You really are a dragon." Raon undid his invisibility, as he flew around the dark elf disguised dragon.

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