Chapter 123: The Next Move

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As he promised he was at the capital again. But his original goal was not to meet the annoying crown prince, but to see the king. He was here with Ron, Beacrox, Felicia, Mieko, Raon, On, Hong and Hans. the last three, met up with them on their way.

"I greet the majestic and bright sun of the Roan Kingdom."

King Zed held a hand out to stop the glib tongue, before it ran out of control. As he was here with his advisor and sword. As Cale had requested the both of them to be around, while he brought his knight that the king assigned to him into the room.

"I assume you did not come here for minor greetings."

Zed questioned the noble.

"Nope. I'm here to discuss the Northern Alliance and their goals."

It was a quick discussion, it was obvious that the North needs fertile land for crop growing. That was what they were lacking. So, seeing that they were the kingdom's first target. They would prepare it in secret. The next thing is whether the kingdom have the guts to ask and form an alliance with them. Those lands will be placed under the Archduke's name for the meantime.

"I heard that my sons called you and you didn't answer their call."

"... I was planning to come here in the first place. So, they could have this conversation with me directly."

But before Cale left, he had one more topic.

"Right, if I ever get disowned from the Henituse Family, please allow me to continue on with my mother's family name."

Cale stubbornly told the king.

"I highly doubt Deruth would disown you, after I had told him about 'that' plan."

His uncle comments.

"I never said that Count Deruth would be the one disowning me."

Cale answers back, making all the adults flinch, as he said this while releasing a bit of dominating aura. He did not need to continue, as the adults understood what he was saying.

'If worse comes to worse. He plans to disown his father or family name. And move on his own.'

"Does that mean, everyone will have a chance at adopting you?"

Luke added an out of context comment. As he knows several who wants to. (Zed, Sonata)

"That is not going to happen. I will be inheriting my mother's name, and we will go on from there."

"... That is doable. I will keep it in mind, if it really happens."

"Thank you for this understanding. I will keep you updated, if something like this happens."

With that the noble left the room, leaving 3 of the people with the highest position in the kingdom to just sigh.


"I will keep an eye on Deruth. If I'm not wrong Duchess Gyerre also has her eyes on his stupid ass."

The sword master comments with a sigh.

"What an irresponsible father. He is a good count, I won't deny, but a failure of a father."

Prime Minister Windchester added the growing judgment on Deruth.

"Well, hyung isn't that good of a father too -"

The sword master shut his mouth, after he got a decorative weight thrown at his head.

"Well, he is, of course, better than my foolish brother."

"Luke. shut up and get those documents, we need to do as this brat has prepared. For the sake of Roan Kingdom and our sanity."

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