Chapter 35: Jungle Fire

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"Ah. It's not wrong. I might have the power to put the fire out. But as you can see, there might be some backlash when using it."

He gestured at the blood he coughed out.

"But it also depends on the type of fire. Can you explain your situation to me?"


As everyone calmed down to sit by the fire again, Litana started explaining the situation to Cale.

"One day, Second 1 of the Jungle, oh, the section of the jungle by this Oorim is Section 1, a sudden fire started there. Water, magic, incantations, nothing seemed to work on it. We were very worried, but it remained in Section 1 without spreading elsewhere."

She started to mumble with a bitter expression.

"I'm not sure whether that is good or bad."

But from their past life, Cale knew what caused the odd fire.

A fire that could not be put out through magic or incantations.

The answer is alchemy.

And when it's alchemy, it tends to lead to the Mogoru Empire. That empire, mainly the imperial shit of a prince, who has a hit on Aster's head and one of White Shit's dogs in despair and dead mana production.

The imperial shit was worried about Litana who managed to unify the fifiteen sections of the Jungle had stealthily caused their fire of Section 1.

However, no secrets could remain secrets forever. When Litana escaped the Path of No Return by burning the place, she finds out that the imperial shit is responsible for the Jungle's fire and partners with Toonka, even though his philosophy of 'survival of the fittest' was no a match with theirs, to take on the Mogoru Empire.

'We will deal with that later. The message has already been sent to the Saint Jack, it just whether he can convince his sister and leave before the pope or Arm notices.'

"Is it a big fire?"

"...I have never seen such a large fire in my life. It shoots up high up into the sky whether it is day or night, making it feel like there is an explosion every day."

"Something like that must be a pain in the butt, it is better we get rid of it before people suffer. Well, like that damn lizard said, take me to the fire, I should be able to put it out... and I certainly have a guard who is proficient in water attribute magic and I know he will want to attempt at it."

Cale referred to Aster, as he is always interested for a challenge of pure magic elemental strength.

Silence filled the cave once again. Litana turned away from Cale to calm her heart at the anticipation of this kind person, willing to help her put out the fire.

"Mr Cale, may I ask you to explain?"

" there a need to explain? I will show you. You do have a small piece of the fire on you, don't you?" he asked and she flinched as her hand instinctively went to her chest pocket to the bottle which held the piece of the fire. She took it out and handed it to him calmly.

Cale placed the bottle on the ground, as he held his hand out. The temperature in the cave dropped before the fire was encased in ice, before he closed his palm and the fire was extinguished.

"This should be enough to convince you."

But as he said that, there was a trail of blood coming out of his nose.

"Mr Cale."

"It's fine. Probably, because I'm exhausted."

'Looks like Abyss can't really handle it, it only suppressed and sealed the flames... not put it out. Looks like I have to pull that one out.'

'Sorry. I'm really known for my sealing abilities and a never melting ice. Not really for putting out fires. Plus, you do not have an affinity to water.'

'It's alright.'

"It sounds like a precious power. Will you really be willing to use to for us? Your body will --"

"It will be fine. I won't fall, maybe I will be hungry, but that should be it."

Cale told her calmly, as he pulled On into his lap for comfort, as he is ruining his own plans more and more. He omitted a lot of real facts about the ancient power and the fact that there was really a dragon in this forest ruins a lot. Since he didn't remember the dragon, in his previous life.

"How should I address you?"

He asked, as he realized that she never told him, her name. He knew her from his past, if he were to call her by that, he would need to fight her subordinates.

" can call me Lina."

One of her subordinates flinched. Cale pretended not to see and called out Litana's fake name.

"Miss Lina."


"There is no precious or not precious when it comes to powers. I believe the important thing is how you use that power."

Litana and her subordinates could see that Cale's eyes were clearer than ever.

"If I can use this power of mine to save the nature, the animals, the plants, as well as the people and their livelihood, I believe I definitely need to use it."

Litana subconsciously started to clench her fists. Her heart was also beating quickly.

"...Will you need to go into the fire to use it?"

"...It seems to be the case. But I will be very happy if my power can be assistance. I want to save and help everyone."

-this isn't the weak human I know. No, you are a good person, but still... anyways, saving someone is a great deed!

The four year old became chaotic before coming to a conclusion. On the other hand, On just yawned and snuggled into Cale's arms.

"Thank you very very much."

Cale put a gentle smile on his face in responses. However, his eyes were coldly observing Litana and her subordinates.

He doesn't want to talk about rewards for now, but he plans to claim the treasure at the Section 1 shores one why or another. So, the way to befriend even the worst of people...

"Would you like something to eat? All of you look a bit famished."

"Ah, that."

Cale took out the food he had Beacrox make for him from the bag.

"You can treat it as the cost of this blanket. Let's share a meal together and move tomorrow." the atmosphere went from casual to very friendly.

"First, we will return to the village, where my people is at and then cut through the forest to the Jungle. Please go on and eat."

Cale continued to lay it on thick for Litana and her subordinates.

"You can't use any strength to save the jungle if you don't eat."

Cale's words made Litana and her subordinates think about the people waiting for them. As for Cale, the treasure were waiting for him.

Litana looked towards the good that was still fresh and warm because it had been in the magic bag and grabbed the fork Cale handed her. She then started to mumble.

"The legend was not very far away."

"You mean the prick who attacked us?"

Cale asked referring to the dragon.

"No. Nothing. This is delicious, Mr Cale."

"I'm glad."

Litana and her subordinates were able to have a relaxing and full night for the first time in two weeks. On peeked at Cale, who watched them with satisfaction before letting out a sigh.

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