Chapter 71: Gods and Training

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After the kids returned from their secret meeting with the others, Cale just tuck them into bed, as he was joining them tonight. Unfortunately he woke up more annoyed then ever, because of those annoying beings who interrupted his sleep.


(Cale. Cale. CALE HENITUSE!)

"I finally decided to sleep and now it is interrupted."

(Yes. Now listen.)

Cale opened his dream's eyes and see that he is in a galaxy like environment, with several glowing lights around him.


(Stop swearing at us. We have things we need to say.)

The black light said as it floated towards Cale, who tried to cover his face with his blanket.


(Will you be my Saint?)

"Bitch no."

(Why not--)

Before the light could finish, it was shoved to the side and replaced with a red light.

(What are you? You assholes, get out of my territory.)

(We won't have to do this, if you let us communicate with this child as well.)

This time a yellow light argued back.

(You will make him run all around the place if I did. He is my charge. You go away, take care of your own damn saints.)

(We would have offered the same thing if --)

(Shut the fuck up! Leave ya bitches.)

The red light screams again, as the dream like realistic wind sort of blew the other 2 lights away. Before they could argue back with the red light.

"Do I want to know what is going on?"

Cale asked the red light who floated over to the red head.

(Not really. Beside we don't have a lot of time to speak while you sleep. I rather pull you in while you are in a coma.)

"That is not going to happen."

(Don't be too sure about that.)

"That is suspicious."

Cale grumbled, but he doesn't want the help of the gods.

(By the way, be careful of the other gods, they really want to make you their saint, despite that tiny glass plate of yours... you do know about your tiny plate?)

"Yes. I know about my tiny plate. Why does the other gods want to make me their Saint?"

(First of, you are beautiful. Secondly, your Thames bloodline is something that makes even the gods jealous. Thirdly, they are fucking insane.)

The red light declared, as Cale burst into laughter, as it was see another god complaining about their fellow gods.

"Then what makes you so different?"

(... You will find out soon, child. Now --)

Before the other god could finish their sentence, there was a crash and loud yelling. The background which changed from the galaxy like sky, to a vast library.

(Let us in. We want to see Thames!)

(Damn it. Go to the 40th row and find the 18th book on the 19th shelf. Open the book and you will get out. I will hold the bastards back.)

Second Chance to Fight (Regressor!Cale Henituse)Where stories live. Discover now