Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The General.

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When he had finished everyone was shocked to hear his amazing voice, the ladies in the room were thinking things that you didn't want to know while the men were just silently congratulating their brother for his amazing voice.

Kushina: Wow, that was beautiful.


She said, she along with everyone else was shocked at the amazing voice that Naruto had.

Santos: I know, he never gives himself credit for that.

She said

Tsunade: well that's just his personality, can i talk with him?

Santos: sure, just give me a sec to get him.

She said and turn around and took the earphones out of Naruto's ears.

Naruto: hey, i was listening to that.

he said but she wasn't having that and bonk him on the head.

Santos: your family wants to talk to you and don't use that tone with me, you are still on thin ice for that stunt you did.

Naruto: you just going to hold that over my head after i did it to save all of you?

He asked and she just smiled at him

Santos: of course i am, you nearly got yourself killed.

She said.

Naruto: After the General is gone, me and you are going to have a long talk about somethings and i mean it too.

He told her but she just stick her tongue out at him and got up as she walked out of the room.

Naruto: Childish woman.

He muttered but there was one thing that he forgot, everyone back in the house can hear him and his conversation with Santos.

Jariyia: I take it that your relationship is going well.

He asked but sounded more like a statement, the end of that say caught him the glares of all the women in the room, even the twins, who also know of their Godfather's perverted ways.

Naruto: Stay out of my love life, you perv sannin.

He said to him and Jariyia got a depressing cloud over is head.

Naruto: So what's up, i have like 20 more minutes left until i have to leave.

Tsunade: Well we just want to talk, well your parents wan to talk with you.

She said the last part a bit nervous as she didn't know how he would take it, they don;t know if he still has a grudge against them or hate them. She then handed over the slug to Minato, he took it and was about to say something but Naruto beat him to the punch.

Naruto: Is Kaa-san still there, i only want to talk to her.

He said and that broke Minato's heart that his eldest child doesn't want to talk with him. He handed off the slug to his overly excited wife, who was very happy to now that her son would like to talk to her.

Kushina: Yes Naruto, I'm still here.

She said

Naruto: Okay, then talk, what do you want?

He asked, trying to not sound cold but she could here the coldness in his voice.

Kushina: Well i know that you don't want me to say sorry or anything to you, so i will just do this, are you eating well?

Naruto: soldier of 141Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin