Chapter Fifty-one: Why Stop?

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"Eagle actual, charlie 1-1, requesting immediate air support on the beach x sir!"

The commander had to duck down more in the dirt right after that cause of an explosion near the wall he and his company were occupying.

The shots of rifles, the screams of down soldiers, the clicks of guns running out of ammo, and the clicks of new mags returning into the empty guns were heard, but it pales in comparison to the rapid fire of machine guns and explosions with bullets flying to and from the wall position.


A yelled was heard, the explosion seem to took out a marine that was providing cover fire for retreating marines.

"Charlie 1-1, Eagle Actual, air support is on station, callsign Hammer 2, give them hell Marines."

"Roger that sir.......... Hill, Lazer designate targets for air strike, Green, get on the radio and get us some support!!"

Over the gun fire and explosions, the two marines heard their orders and carried out their task.

"Hammer 2, Charlie 2-1, targets are being marked with Lazer, enemy positions are under grid 276-482 and 789-309, our position is just south of those coordinates, you are cleared hot for close air!!"

He yelled over his radio to the pilot, while hill was marking a building that had machine guns clocking rounds out at them every second.

"Hammer 2 copies all"

Just after that sentence, the roars of a jet from over head enter the battlefield, the marines looked at their savior with admiration while the enemy only looked at it in terror.

"Lazer designater spotted, building coming down..... shot off the rails."

Two hellfires made contact with the concrete building and the explosions were massive that the marines had to hug the wall from the Shockwave that came after the missiles made contact. The sounds of machine gun fire lessen right after. Within the wake of the dust cloud, the solid building became nothing more than rubble after the impacts.

Green didn't waste anytime as he directed Hill to switch to another building that had RPG'S on top of it that was pummeling the group.

"Hammer 2, good effect on target, next target mark with Lazer, you are cleared hot for engagement."

"Target acquired... danger close."

Was what the pilot said, coming in for a strafe at the top of the building, killing the RPG positions on top of it while letting out a bomb towards a cluster of enemy that he saw on his radar.

"Charlie 2-1, all targets finished, Hammer 2 bugging out."

The roar of the afterburners were heard as the marines saw the jet leaving the area.


"Eagle actual, Hammer 2, tasking complete, on station for more."

I heard the pilot of the F-35 said over my radio. Me and my team was in the cargo bay of the C-17 Flying close to the battle ground but just outside of radar range.

The weeks been hectic and heavy, in addition to the marines and artillery batteries, we got an Amphibious Assault Ship, filled to the brim with armored vehicles and more marines as well as some fighters and gun ships.

The fighter was from the ship and was with us today to provide support for the three different battle grounds we had going on right at the moment.

"Hammer 2, proceed to kill box 2 delta, for guard mission, Alpha Company is making a run with Intel, keep them covered from all enemy units."

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