Chapter Fifty-Three: Missing Sub Pt1

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"Commander got another mission package ready for you" 

The week had been slowed after the first raid on the Russian-held territory, it was a bit off the coast of Europe and we had cleaned up the pest present on the island and moved back to the base. 

Now I was in front of a hologram form of General Warshower. On the holo screen was a sub and its name. The submarine's name was the USS Ohio, hull number SSGN-726. She was a guided missile submarine formally known within the ballistic missile submarines as SSBN 726.  

"I guess you already know this sub, It's the Columbia, she went on one of her normal patrols in the waters but didn't return in the morning. Her last known position is around the coast of Yokosuka near Japan." 

This can't be good, a guided missile sub missing within Japanese waters seems to put a lot of pressure on this already starting war, with the Russians and now the Japanese. 

"I hope you don't need to remember that this is a guided missile submarine, that was previously a ballistic missile sub." 

"No sir, you do not" 

I told him, already familiar with the Ohio class subs and their stealth capabilities as well as their tomahawk launching capabilities, it's also worst that this sub carries SLBM's that have thermo-nuclear warheads. 

"Any idea what's going on with a stealth sub like that?" 

I asked my adoptive grandfather. It's not every day you get a mission package with a stealth submarine within it. Makes it even scary that said sub carries nuclear missiles. 

"Her last known transmission was this" 

"15 degrees dive, full speed, launch torpedoes one and two at target.......... They deployed evasion devices, sir, torpedoes are not effective.

Incoming torpedoes, coming from our stern and 4 miles out!!!"

Then there was nothing more than static right after that last statement. The transmission ended and now I was looking at the sub's last know position on the holo map. 

"Your mission is to get in that area and find the sub and get it out of there if you can and if you can't, save who you can and destroy the vessel completely, godspeed commander."

The hologram ended after that and I was left to think about what to do about this new developing situation now. From the transmission, it sounded like there were two enemies, either both subs or a ship and a sub. 

The first statement was to dive meaning they were at least above water, so the possibility of a ship being present is in, then came torpedoes, two of them, so I am saying a sub as well, but they would have to be using something stronger or equal as strong to take on Ohio. 

"Maybe they are using those Akula class submarines, I mean they only have four left, and partner that with one of their Kirov-class Battlecruiser and you have a US Hunter killer." 

I heard Kisara's voice in my head, giving me her input on things. 

"Since when were you back in my mindscape?"

I asked wondering why she was there since she doesn't normally go back unless she was playing hide and seek with Gabby. 

"Yep, I am playing hide and seek with Gabby and Kurotsuchi, I came here but then heard parts of the briefing you just got and now I am helping, though I don't know for how long since Gabby been getting smarter and knows my regular hiding spot is in your head now" 

I laughed a little remembering how Gabby would use to be down every time she couldn't find her mother and would often come running to me to help find her since and I quote her words "Dada, mama went poof".

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