Chapter Seventeen: Test Run

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She said with a smile as she was longing to meet Naruto, she had only meet him a couple times since he spent most of his time with Kushina and hardly meets other people.

Naruto: He did nothing wrong, it was just a friendly conversation.

He said and took out his phone as he looks through it to see a message from Santos.

Santos: "we are being called to the hokage's office, all of the teams, get your butt over here now"

The message said making him sigh as he put the phone back.

Naruto: Kaa-san, I am leaving, I have to go now.

Kushina: What, the exam just started, can't whatever it is wait?

Naruto: No it can't, it was an message from Santos saying we are being called to the hokage's office, so I need to go, now, tell the girls I am sorry and I will try and make it back.

He said and walked out the room but didn't saw the look of disappointment on Kushina's and the girls faces, but the girls knew something was wrong as he wouldn't leave for anything. Kushina on the other was a bit mad at Minato, I mind she just got a golden ticket to hang out like she used to with Naruto but something had to come up.


He had just made it to the office and knocked, he heard a faint come in, he opened the door and walked in as he saw His team, Price's team, Sheila, Minato, the four elders, Hiruzen and the sannins.

He then went over to his mother and stood to the right of her.

Naruto: What's this meeting about?

He asked, going full Lieutenant.

Price: Don't know, just got the text to get over here and we did, where were you so early in the morning?

He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto: Went out for a run and did some exercise.

He told him simply, forgetting to tell him the part about Minato.

Minato: Alright, now that you are all here, it has come to my attention that we don't know of your abilities and how you function, so we would like a demonstration or a test run of the sorts.

He told them and they all nodded.

Hiruzen: As it is, your Commander have already know of the details of this mission and she will brief you on it, commander.

He told them and a holographic screen appeared in the room, making the ninjas look at it in awe.

Sheila: Alright, as they said we have a demonstration to put on, so I want nothing but the absolute best from all of you. A few klicks north of here is an emeny camp that have been causing trouble for travelers. Your job is to go and stop them. Here is a lay out of the camp.

She said and click the screen and a birds eye view of the camp appeared.

Price: We got eyes in the sky?

He asked.

Sheila: Yes we do, the General managed to get us a unmarked small drone for our use, it will be providing us with ISR footage as well as your Helmet cams.

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