Chapter Forty: Commander

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"Dada, look!"

The voice of Gabby brought me out of my studies, making me look at her to see her have paint everywhere and I mean everywhere, it was on her face, her clothes, her hands and she was leaving a painted foot trail behind her as well.

But looking at what she was showing me, I saw that it was a painting of us, me looking like I was laughing or choking with her on my back, her arms and legs out stretched and I could see the faintest smile on the painting.

"It looks so good honey, who is in it?"

I asked her, bringing her into my lap not paying attention to the paint on my clothes now since I didn't have the time to pay any attention to simple things, I want to pay attention to my daughter and what she painted.

"It's us Dada, see dada and me."

She pointed while saying making me laugh as I kiss the top of her head.

"I see it now, so who gave you paint?"

I asked her looking at her with a playful serious face on, I had banned her from using paint if I wasn't there, cause when she uses it, it gets everywhere and while I am there, I could create a little barrier around us to keep it from getting everywhere.

A lot as happened over the the 3 years that I spent state side, you recall me saying I was studying before Gabby interrupted me, well I am in high school right now and at senior year, you maybe wondering why I was that high, well I was already thought the things in the lower grades and I was at a senior level.

I study languages, a lot of them as well as music and English and math. A list of the languages I study are: French, Spanish, Latin, German, Russian, Persian and many more. Cause of my occupation it was why I was doing languages and Maths and English is because they are math and English, you have to study them.

My occupation as a SAS member was keep secret and out of sight to the public, to everyone, I am just a Japanese student, with an American mom and no father. Foes got money but no-one knows where it is from.

As for the sealing, well I'm an Uzumaki, so it's in my blood and I just got notes from Kaa-san and Kisara on how to do it and if i was ever having problems with it, I could always call up kaa-san to help me out.


She said, I sighed at that and just got up with her in my arms, getting paint on me as well but I didn't care. Getting to the bathroom, I took the paint up clothes off her and put her in a bath, scrubbing and taking the paint off her skin.

"Dada mad?"

She asked me when I haven't said nothing to her in the last 2 or so minutes, I wasn't mad, I just had a lot going on right now and partnered that up with the fact that I just got home last night from a missions over Russia, I was just tired.

"No Gabby, Dada not mad, just tired."

I was trying to catch up on homework and assigned class works from school and trying to deal with a three year old is very hard.

"Dada sleep, let Gabby take care of Dada."

I laughed slightly at that, she was becoming very protective and caring about me more than every now that she kind of understands what I am going through and what I do for a living. It is cute the way she wants to take care of me that much, kind of like me when I was younger, wanting to take care of Kaa-san and help her anyway I can.

"That is a good offer Gabby but I'll pass, maybe when you are old enough to understand the concept of not getting dirty then we can talk about that."

She pouted at the statement, her little arms crossed over her chest as she pushed out the side of her cheeks.

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