Little Genius

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-Description: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter, who is coming to work with you.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, having a child
-Word count: 1376
-Note: I love this story so much! I think, this idea is absolutely perfect and sweet. Also, thank you so much for 1,000 reads! This means a lot to me, and gives me also motivation! Thank you everyone! <3


'Can I come with you, mommy?' our 6 year old daughter asked.

Just then, my beautiful husband walked into the kitchen.

'To where, (Y/D/N)?' I asked her, as I gave her a sandwich for breakfast.

'To work. Please.' she begged, taking a bite from her food.

I looked over at Spencer, knowing we had probably just paperwork, and that (Y/D/N) can amuse herself by drawing there. Spencer gave me a slight nod, and walked towards me.

'Okey, sweety. You can come with us today.' I answered, as she cheered from excitement.

Suddenly, I felt two soft lips on mine, as Spencer and I, shared a loving kiss.

'Honey, why don't you go grab your bag with your drawing material in it?' Spencer asked (Y/D/N), as she nodded and ran towards her bedroom.

'I love you.' I looked into Spencer's hazel eyes, while he looked at me, with the same love and admiration.

'I love you, even more.' he replied, as he wrapped me into one of his soft hugs, I love so much. I smiled, amused.

Then, (Y/D/N) ran back, with her bag on her little shoulders, as a huge smile was formed on her face.

'Are you ready?' I asked her, before grabbing my bag by myself.

'Yes!' she exclaimed, still so excited.

'Let's go then.'

The drive to the BAU didn't took long, and soon enough we walked the building in.

'Good morning, Mr and Mrs Reid. And, little (Y/D/N).' the guard by the income hall, greeted us.

We greeted him back, before we made our way to the elevator. Up to the 6th floor, the elevator doors opened. We got greeted by JJ, who just walked by. (Y/D/N) immediately ran towards her, as JJ spread her arms open, ready to catch the 6 year old.

'JJ! You're here!' she yelled, as the two hugged.

'Of course, I'm here! I'm so happy, that you are here!'

Spencer and I, smiled at them, both so happy how our lives turned out. The others also came to us, hearing all the comotion. When (Y/D/N) saw them, she quickly ran towards all of them, hugging them, happily.

'Our kid, really loves the team, huh?' I chuckled to Spencer, who laughed by himself.

'Just like we do.' he replied, causing me to smile, and nod in agreement.

Suddenly, we heard the familiar sound of ticking heels, coming quickly towards us. When (Y/D/N) looked up, she ran to the other blonde.

'Penny!' she yelled, excitedly.

'(Y/D/N)!' Penelope yelled, just as excited as her.

'What are you doing here?' she asked, wrapping her in a sweet hug.

'Mommy and daddy, allowed me to come with them to work.' she explained.

'They did? That's great! I began to miss you.'

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