Love Language

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-Description: You and Spencer are together. One of his love languages was writing notes.
-Warnings: Fluffiness
-Word count: 551
-Note: A cute one shot for you! Spread a little love and write notes! A lovable act of service. Xxx


One of Spencer's love languages was writing notes. Whether he was at home or away, I always found post-its with sweet messages or surprising facts on them. They were everywhere, always on a different place, he knew, I would see.

Yesterday, I found one on the mirror in the bathroom. "You're beautiful, never doubt that." was written on the little note. Today, it was located in my coffee mug, I use daily. "Did you know that dolphins actually have names for one another? According to National Geographics, they use an unique whistle to distinguish between different members within their pod." I loved hearing facts. I could just hear him ramble about it, always bringing me on ease.

I put all the notes I ever received in a small box in my nightstand. When I miss my genius, I go through them, never failing to make me smile.

It was late in the afternoon, when Spencer came into the living room, a puzzled look on his face.

'Have you seen my book? The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury?'

'Oh yeah, I wanted to give it a read, so I kinda stole/borrowed it? It's in my drawer in my nightstand.' he gave me a chuckle and left the room.

Suddenly, I heard sobs, coming from our bedroom. I immediately got up, running towards the loud sound. It revealed a crying Spencer, sitting on the bed, the box with his notes on his lap.

'What's wrong? Are you in pain? Do I need to call someone?' I rambled on, worriedly, as I carefully took place next to him.

He instantly wrapped me into a tight hug, not planning on letting me go anytime soon. One of my hands found his home in his messy hair, the other rubbing gently his back, drawing random shapes on it.

'Whenever you're ready.' I whispered, while placing soft kisses on his head.

After a couple more minutes, he broke the comfortable silence, pulling slightly away, so I could meet his gaze.

'I just can't believe you kept all of them. I knew, you read them, but I just thought you trew them away after that. But, you didn't. If I'm with you, it's like all my broken pieces are glued back together. With you, I feel not so broken. I just feel loved.' I needed to blink a tear of my own away, still letting the words sink down.

'Love, of course I kept them. They are so sweet and make me everytime happy when I read them. Thank you. Thank you for being you, thank you for loving me.' I ended my little speech on his lips, kissing them hardly, trying to let him know how much I love him.

Since then, I made it my own mission to remind him everyday that he is loved. It can be by hugging him, telling him, cooking meals for him, or my new favorite one, leaving notes for him. No matter what happens, he knew, I love him. And, I knew, he loves me.

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