Blessing In Disguise

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-Description: You and Spencer are married. You all go out to a new bar, but suddenly you felt dizzy.
-Warnings: Angst, fluffiness, drugs (reader got drugged), hospital, pregnant
-Word count: 1474
-Note: Awww, I love the ending! Let me know what you think. If you have any requests, don't hesitate to text me! :)


'Let's go out. There opened a new, cool bar. Let's go partying!' Derek announced, while we all walked out of the elevators.

'Who's coming?'

'I'm in!' Penelope exclaimed, as Emily agreed as well.

'Great! What about you, Hotch?'

'I appreciate the invite, but I'm going to Haley and Jack. Have fun and enjoy the weekend.' he told us, before walking off.

'Alright, what about you Rossi?' Derek asked the Italian man, who pretended to think about it.

'Hmm... Going to a place where people are drunk, dancing all the time, while being way too loud? I rather pass.' I chuckled at the sarcasm, but Derek wasn't planning on giving up.

'Come on, Rossi. You can drink scotch, and we can keep you company.'

'You had me with "scotch".'

'And, what about the two lovebirds?' Penelope turned her head towards us, as we gave her a doubtful look.

'I don't know, Penny.' I answered, not really feeling it.

'Just this once, you guys never go with us. Please.' I chuckled at her reaction and pleading eyes, looking at Spencer. I asked him with my eyes, which he answered with a nod.

'Alright then.'

'Yay! What about you, JJ?'

'I'm sorry, Penelope. But, I'm going to Will and Henry. I really need some rest and a bar is not the solution for that.' we nodded in understanding, as she as well walked off towards the parking lot.

'Let's have some fun!'

The new bar was full of drinking people, all dancing as if their lives depended on it. We ordered us some drinks and took place at the bar. For a while, we talked a bit, drank some, and just having a good time.

After some time, I was slightly drunk, but still had all the control. One of my favorite songs began to play, and I was wasted enough to actually began dancing. I took Spencer's arm, dragging him with me.

'W-what are you doing?' his nervousness was cleary visible, but then also he didn't resist.

'We're going to dance.' I announced, smiling widely, before planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.

'But, I-I can't dance.' his confession made me took his hands in mine, squeezing slightly.

'You have me. We'll just dance together. Just pretend no one's watching. Pretend, I'm the only one here.' he gave me a small nod, still doubting it. Once we began to dance, he began to relax more, laughing at the silly mistakes we made.

'Go girl!' a somewhat more drunken Penelope spoke out a bit too loud, dancing her own dance with Derek.

Suddenly, I felt sick. I was dizzy and nauseous. Maybe I drank too much alcohol? Of course, Spencer noticed this, as he looked at me with concerned eyes.

'Are you okay?'

'I-I don't... I-' dizziness overwhelmed me, everything became in a blur, as my body fell into my husband's arms. My name being called out was the last thing I heard, before the darkness took over.

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