Chapter 2

139 8 2

10 years later

Nora's POV

My eyes snapped open as I gasped for air, with my forehead drenched in sweat.

Sitting up,I took a look around my familiar surrounding.

It was just a dream I thought with a sigh of relief. The same dream that has hunted me for as long as I could remember always there to make sure what I am was embedded in my head.

  I sat up tiredly running my hands through my hair in an attempt to calm my beating heart, I reached for my pills on the bedside table and popped  two into my mouth. Glancing at my alarm at the side of my table ,it was 4:30 in the morning, I really didn't feel like going back to sleep, so I decided to hit the gym.

  I didn't need the lights since I could see perfectly fine in the dark. Walking into the bathroom, I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. With that done I went to the mirror by the sink and swiped my hand across the mirror in an attempt to remove the steam.

I stared at my reflection, the same familiar yet mysterious silver eyes with pale skin and  lips stared back at me. I sighed, feeling like a stranger in my own body.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I opened my wardrobe and took out a sports bra and short, putting my black hair into a ponytail and glanced at the time before stepping out of my room. Walking down the wide corridor, I stopped in front of the gym.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted by an empty room filled with gym equipment. I didn't mind the emptiness, I liked the peace it provided, helping  me concentrate.

Walking over to the treadmill, I turned it on and cranked it up to the highest and proceeded with my exercise, staying on it for about an hour before moving on to lifting weights.  feeling the presence of someone behind me already knowing who it was I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?".

"Don't you think it's too early to be training?" Smith asked concern evident in his tone while taking a seat beside me. I snickered at his antics.

"It's time," Smith said, knowing immediately what he was talking about. "What changed your mind? I thought you said I wasn't ready yet "I asked intrigued.

"They are trying to continue your dad's work, trying to create more people like you. They are using orphans and innocent people as lab rats, and it's getting out of hand," he explained.

" so what's the plan?" I asked."I need you to try and infiltrate their operation and see what you can find. If they succeed in creating more like you, it's going to cause havoc. But getting in won't be easy, so there's another way," Smith said with a slight smirk.

"How?" I asked, intrigued.

"They normally get their lab rats from clubs. So tonight, you're going to have some fun," Smith replied with a hint of sarcasm. I smiled, understanding the meaning behind his words. It was time for payback.

When done with my exercise, I proceeded to my room to take a shower. Walking out, I put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I walked downstairs, had my breakfast, and grabbed the list of prescriptions that Smith needed and stepped out into the street, quickly pulling my hoodie over my head.

As I walked, I was able to see the contents of people's pockets and purses.

Entering the store, I was greeted by an old lady behind the counter. Who greeted me with a slight smile "What can I help you with?" she asked, still smiling. I returned the smile and handed her the list of prescriptions. She took it from me and glanced at it before giving me a slight smile and told me to wait. She walked around the store, pulling pills from the shelves, while I took the time to observe my surroundings.

She came back to the front desk with a bunch of pills and took her time to write the prescription on the bottles and packets. She put them in a plastic bag and handed them to me, telling me the total amount. I reached into my pocket and handed her the money. Our hands brushed as she took the money, making me see a vision of her being shot in her store, possibly during a robbery. It came and went quickly, leaving me with a sense of sadness. I took the change with a sad smile.

"Thanks, come again," she said with a smile.

"Thanks, and don't stay up too late, okay?" I said, smiling back at her. She nodded, and I left the store silently praying that she would heed my words.

closing my eyes for a brief moment, I sensed someone following me. Not wanting to lead them to Smith's house, I quickly took a sharp turn down an alley. The person behind me hurrying with their steps to keep up with me, taking the same turn. However, he came to a dead end because of the fence at the the end leaving the person confused because there was no sign of me,I quickly emerged from the wall I had been camouflaged against. Kicking him at the back of his knee , making him fall forward landing on his limbs .  He quickly got up and threw a punch at me, which I dodged effortlessly. I kicked them again, causing him to fall against the wall. Making me pin him there pressing on his neck a small dagger I always carried

"Please don't hurt me. I mean no harm," the person pleaded.

"Who are you, and why were you following me?" I asked.

"My name is Andrew, and I just wanted to get your number because I thought you were beautiful," he explained. I sighed, loosening my grip on his neck and keeping the pocket knife in my back pocket. I turned back to look at him, and realized he was gone,turning my head to glance at the street and realized he took off for his dear life making me chuckle in amusement before stepping back onto the busy street after making sure I wasn't being followed.

Entering the living room, I didn't need to look for Smith; already sensing he wasn't home. Walking over to the kitchen, I dropped the bag of medicine on the counter and proceeded to get a glass of water. After gulping it down, I dropped the cup in the sink and climbed up the stairs to my bedroom.  Pushing open my bedroom door I spotted a short black open back dress on my bed, with a note that said, "Be ready by eight." Making me smile in amusement.

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