Chapter 4

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Nora's POV

We were on the road for what felt like hours  before the van came to a stop. I heard the door open and felt myself being lifted off the backseat and placed onto a hard surface. The car door shut, and the engine roared back to life. As we continued driving, I could sense a lot of other heartbeats in the vehicle. It was clear that I wasn't alone - there were at least twenty others in the van, all unconscious.

We drove for almost an hour until finally slowing down in front of a large gated entrance with tight security. One of the guards approached our vehicle spoke to the person in the front seat, while another shone a flashlight through the window, trying to get a glimpse of those in the back. They conversed for a while before we were granted access,the car drove into the compound. Eventually, we came to a stop, and a security guard opened the door.

One by one, the heartbeats in the van diminished as the others were taken into the facility. It was soon my turn, and I felt arms wrap around me as I was lifted out of the van. I quickly focused my mind, hoping to find a way to navigate through the facility when the time came to escape. I observed my surroundings, noting that the building we entered was five stories tall, with stairs and elevators. But it appeared that we were headed towards a restricted area, where an ID would be necessary to enter or exit. However, that wouldn't be an issue for me.

Eventually, we arrived at a set of double doors. I heard a slight beeping sound from a machine, and then I was placed onto what felt like a stretcher. Two people conversed in hushed tones, ensuring that no one else overheard their conversation. But I listened carefully, stealing bits and pieces of their conversation. "Good job, Professor Edrin needs ten for the first experiments," one of them said. "Then we can use the others later, so don't forget to keep them sedated and unconscious."

Soon, the lady who had been speaking with the two men returned with another scientist. They carried away the ten individuals who were to be used for the initial experiments, leaving me behind with the unconscious others.

I remained quiet, waiting for a few more minutes to ensure that I was the only conscious person in the room. Once satisfied, I opened my eyes and sat up, surveying the room. It was mostly empty, filled only with individuals lying unconscious on stretchers, much like myself. I carefully climbed down from the stretcher, reminding myself of why I was here. Approaching the door, I realized that I needed an ID to pass through. I placed my arm on the scanner, and after a few minutes, it clicked, indicating that the door was unlocked. I peeked my head out, confirming that the hallway was empty and devoid of any cameras. With a smirk, I stepped into the hallway and began walking down the perfectly marbled corridor.

Taking a left turn, I passed several locked doors until I stumbled upon a room that resembled the one I had been in. However, this room appeared to be an operating theater. I cautiously hid in a corner to avoid detection, studying the people within. My eyes eventually settled on Edrin, the person responsible for bringing me here. Anger surged through me at the sight of him, and though I desperately wanted to strangle him, I knew that I had to remain calm and think rationally.

Shifting my gaze to the operation itself, I watched as the scientists injected a green liquid into the veins of a person lying on a stretcher. The individual initially remained still, but then began convulsing violently. The scientists stepped back in response, but this continued until the person finally lay motionless. One of the scientists declared the subject a failure, and the body was swiftly removed and replaced with another, already aware of its grim fate.

Deciding that I needed to find something else, I ventured further down the hallway. I passed by cameras that would periodically shut down for a few minutes before turning back on. Eventually, I reached the end of the hallway, where a single door stood. Before turning the handle, I glanced back to ensure that no one was following me. Satisfied, I unlocked the door and slipped into the dimly lit room.

The room resembled a basement, filled with shelves lined with boxes of files and other miscellaneous items. Taking a moment to assess my surroundings, I closed my eyes and ran my hands along the dusty boxes, searching for something specific. Finally, I stopped and opened my eyes, retrieving a box and placing it on a nearby table. I dug through its contents, but couldn't find what I was looking for. Frustrated, I sighed, realizing that I would need to continue my search elsewhere.

I stilled my movements as I heard footsteps approaching the room. Judging by the sound, there were three individuals, all male. Glancing out the window, I quickly concluded that jumping wasn't an option, as I was on the third floor and any noise would alert the guards. Taking them out was also risky, as they would surely call for backup. Thinking quickly, I squeezed myself into a small space at the end of the room, concealing myself between the shelves and the wall, hoping that I would remain undetected

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