Chapter 16

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Nora's POV
   I can't believe that asshole he pulled the marriage card on me.

I never really thought about marriage hell I haven't even thought about my future.

what's next after finding my father.

I still can't believe I'll be married tomorrow how the fuck did I get to this point. I couldn't help but think as I drove out of the mansion.

The marriage wasn't that big of a problem i didn't even mind it at all but the bigger problem was how was I going to break the news to smith without him going all smith on me.

Stopping at the front of the house I hopped off my bike and brought out the key from my pocket with shaky hands.

"stop shaking" I muttered to myself. After what felt like forever I finally unlocked the door and stepped into the house.

It seemed like luck was on my side because he wasn't home making me breath a sigh of relief.

I walked up the stairs and into my room swapped my cargo pants for some booty shorts and kicked off my Jordan's.

I couldn't help but think about how was I gonna break the news to him he's gonna be so pissed and I'm so nervous right now.

"why was I nervous? maybe it had something to do with getting married to a man I barely knew three days,I can do this!! I can do this!! I thought chanting it in my head for a little confidence boost.

As soon as I heard the front door open all my confidence went out the window.

It was now or never I thought and with that I went out of my room,down the steps and into the living room .

Seeing he wasn't there I went into the kitchen to see him chucking down a glass of water.

"Smith" I said stating his name curtly a habit I formed when I was nervous about telling him something "Nora" he said narrowing his eyes at me but I avoided his gaze "okay what did you do this time?" he said placing the bottle on the counter giving me his full attention.

"Promise you won't be angry?" I said preparing myself for the worst.

"sure" he said taking another mouthful of water from his bottle it was now or never I said taking a deep breath" I'm getting married" I said as I dropped my gaze to the floor fiddling with my fingers.

A few seconds passed but I got no response from smith making me raise my head up to see him staring intently at the counter " I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right. can you repeat it?" he asked chuckling at the end.

"I'm getting married"I said this time slower earning a chuckle from him "how did that happen?"he asked quietly I soon explained everything to him as he just nodded his head in understanding.

"So when is the wedding?" He asked bringing out pots to prepare dinner "tomorrow" I said cautiously.

"Nora" he called with a sigh "I know it's a rush but I'll be fine it's just for a year after that I'll be free I'll be careful I promise" I said trying to ease off his worries.

He sighed again as he turned to face me "come here"he said extending his arms for a hug which I gladly accepted "I know sweetheart you're more than capable of taking care of yourself but I gotta say it's gonna be a little lonely without you here" he said making me chuckle.

"You can go on that cruise you've been dying to go for ages"I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"you know what you're right" he spoke releasing me from the hug "I could turn your room into a game room, no a mini golf course no a bar or a mini theatre" he said making me chuckle this man will never change I thought as I shook my head.

"I gotta go pack it states in the contract we're supposed to live together so I'll see you when I'm done" I said as I walked out of the kitchen but stopped at the door.

"Hey smith why don't we watch a movie tonight" I said earning a big smile from him "I'd like that" he said and with that I walked upstairs to start packing.

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