Chapter 73

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Damien's POV
  "Yeah" i mumbled trying to keep a little distance between us.

"We decided to call you Xavier. Are you cool with the name?" she asked batting her eyelash making me wonder if she had something in her eye.

"Cool" I said keeping my gaze on the ceiling.

"My parents are heading to work tomorrow. My mum runs a cafe while my dad is a football couch at a rich school for snubby kids. We normally tag along to help my mum in the cafe I was wondering if you wanted to come too we need the extra hand after all" she said shifting closer making her skirt rise up a little exposing her thighs.

"Sure" I mumbled shifting my gaze back to the ceiling.

"You're so funny" she giggled putting a hand on my left bicep. I didn't say anything funny I thought but didn't say anything and pushed her hand off.

She wanted to say something but was interrupted by Martha calling for her. She passed me a seductive smile which made me want to puke and walked away trying to sway her hips. What a weirdo.

I got off the bed, pushed open the curtains and stood by the window watching the lively streets as people greeted and conversed with others. My eyes landed on Greyson walking outside with pack of Oreos in his hands.

You want some" a voice said teasingly

"Sure" I said with a shrug but she swatted my hands away

"Mine go get yours"

I couldn't help but crease my brows in confusion at the memory I tried again and again but got nothing. I couldn't remember her face. I sighed tiredly and laid back on the bed.

I felt someone's hand trail down my body and tug my belt a little, my hand shot up grabbing and twisting the persons hand.

I opened my eyes and furrowed my brows when I turned to the owner of the hand to see it was Silvia wincing in pain.

"What are you doing?" I asked giving her  a cold look.

"I just came to tell you lunch is ready" she said staring down at the sheets.

"I'll be down in a minute" I said letting go of her. She wanted to say something but held herself back and left the room.

I stared at the ceiling for sometime before leaving the room and went downstairs.

I walked into the dining room to see everyone already seated.

"Xavier dear come seat down you must be hungry" Martha said giving me a huge smile. I gave her a small smile in return and took a seat at the only available spot on the dinning table which was beside Silvia.

Silvia placed some food on my plate and I offered her a small smile in thanks and dug in. She blushed.

After the lunch I said my good night telling them I needed some sleep and headed to bed.

I opened my eyes and sat up with a yawn letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. I glanced at the alarm and sighed. It was 5:30 in the morning.

I laid there staring into space as I thought about what my life was like? What kind of life did I live? was I some kind of criminal running from the cops and got shot by one of them.

By the time I blinked back to reality the sun was already up with the loud chirping of beds.

I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out and changed into a black T-shirt and grey sweatpants. I wore my shoes and went down the stairs to see everyone seated on the table.

I greeted everyone,took a seat on dug in.

Once we were done with the breakfast we took away our dishes and got in the car with their dad as the driver and drove off.

Vince parked at the side of the small cafe called M and V's . He kissed his wife on the cheek waved us  goodbye and drove off.

Martha opened the cafe and we immediately got to work by sweeping and cleaning the tables. I was taught how to take orders so I was behind the counter when the store opened.

Working was quite fun everything went smooth except for the amount of girls who were flirting and asking for my number.

I tried my best to decline them as politely as I could and kept it professional.

By seven we cleaned up, closed the store and went back home.

"One caramel tea. Anything else?" I asked briefly glancing at the girl throwing love eyes at me.

"Yes your number" the girl said batting her eyelash I just gave her a smile and dropped her order with Martha.

"I'll call you when your orders ready" I said making the girl huff and stormed off to God knows where.

This has been my routine for two months come to the cafe, work till seven, go home have dinner,go to bed then go to the cafe the next morning.

I still haven't regained my memory which is a little depressing. Martha and Vince always urge me to go out and have fun but I couldn't bring myself . They've already done a lot for me I don't want to be a burden to them.

I've stopped trying to regain my memories and moved on with my life. Embraced it as it is. I'm planning on moving out of California, start a business and have a family.

"Xavier" My name being called snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Martha?" I asked turning my attention to her.

"Your dad left this file when he dropped by. Can you go give it to him at the school?" She asked

"Sure" I say leaving the counter for Greyson.

"Here it is. you're a life saver" she says handing me the file. I took off the apron I was wearing and left the cafe.

I came out of the taxi and paid the driver and stared at the massive school in front of me.

Everything about it screamed money. I stepped into the school premises and made my way around the back where the football field must be wondering how I know where it is well one answer. Vince.

I reached the field to see a lot of students in jerseys littered around the field and on the bleachers. I quickly spotted Vince in the crowd dressed in a white tshirt and white sweatpants talking to a kid with brown hair.

Right on cue he turned around saw me and waved me over with a wide smile.

"Hey Vince you left this in the cafe earlier this morning" I said when I reached him

"Thanks Xavier" He said taking the file from me and turned back to the guy he was talking to but he wasn't listening anymore he was just staring at me in shock.

I furrowed my brow in confusion and walked away. I had taken a few steps and turned back to see Vince whispering harshly to the boy who looked like he was in a rush. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

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