Chapter 17

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Nora's POV
  Halfway through my packing a knock sounded  on my door as it was pushed open by smith poking his head in.

"May I come in?"He asked still at the door "sure" I said glancing at him briefly as he strutted into my room holding a small bag in his hand.

" what's in there?" I asked turning my attention to him "just a few things you might need" he said handing the bag over to me.

Muttering a little thanks I unzipped the bag and brought it's content. The first thing that caught my attention was a rectangular box.

Pulling it open,I threw smith a surprised gaze which he replied to with a shrug "you didn't have to do this"I said staring down at the new iPhone in my hand.

"I wanted to give you this for a while now but the need for it never aroused but since we'll be living separately we're gonna need to stay in touch"he said dipping his hands in his pocket.

"Thanks"I muttered sheepishly not knowing how to react I emptied the remaining content of the bag which where filled with a lot of gowns. I turned my gaze to him raising an eyebrow at him.

"What you look like a hobo in the clothes you wore" he said nonchalantly making me frown at him I opened my mouth about to retort but was interrupted as he  stood up and sauntered out of my room banging the door loudly behind him like the drama king he was while I just rolled my eyes at him.

Once done with the packing I zipped up my bag pushed it to the corner along with the small bag of gowns smith brought earlier.

I felt a smile tug on my face as I glanced at the phone on my bedside table walking over to it I grabbed it pulled off it's wrap, removed it from its packet and turned it on.

I couldn't help but feel at awe at the little device I now owned I've seen smith use it and definitely knew my way around it but I was never intrigued to have one instead I kind of saw it as a distraction but I couldn't help but feel touched at his kind gesture.

Strolling  out of the room and down the stairs I was greeted by smith on the living room couch surfing for movies on Netflix with different kinds of snacks on the table.

Walking into the living room,I plopped down on the couch allowing it to ease my tense muscles as I glanced at smith who was still busy looking for movies to even acknowledge me making me chuckle.

After a few minutes I heard a sigh of relief come from smith as the sound of Netflix rang through the living room as he sank deeper into the couch with another sigh.

"Wednesday really?" I thought you've seen the movie I asked as soon as it started "yeah watched it a couple times but you haven't and I don't mind watching it again" he said munching on some popcorn with his gaze fixed on the tv screen.

I too turned my attention back to the tv screen never really a fan of movies but for Smith i was gonna make it work.

Halfway through the first episode I couldn't remove my gaze away from the movie it was amazing and I was quite loving the Wednesday character.

I turned to my gaze to Smith as he had been awfully quite for a few minutes, I couldn't even hear the sound of his obnoxious chewing and just as I suspected he was already asleep.

I knew I wasn't capable of having emotions but he's grown on me and I would rather die than tell him I'll miss him cos I won't hear the end of it.

Strolling off into the closet we had just by the door for coats i brought out a blanket and a pillow,fluffed it properly tucked it behind his neck,laid him properly on the couch and covered him up. I stared at him for a few minutes before going upstairs to retire for the night.

My alarm blared at exactly 4:00am waking me from my nightmare. I got off bed walked down stairs and into the living room to check on Smith but he wasn't on the chair he must have gone to bed.

I grabbed the vacuum cleaner and cleaned up the living room,washed the dishes and swept the stairs when I was done with all that the time was already 6:00am.

I prepared breakfast which consisted of bacon and eggs,dished them out,and dropped them on the counter .

On cue Smith  stepped into the kitchen for his morning coffee wearing a suit " looking sharp"I couldn't help but compliment as I took in his appearance "I decided to stop working from home now as you won't be around anymore this place gonna be a little lonely" he said as he brewed his coffee but I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Hey" I said giving him a side hug "I'll be fine and I'll come visit during the weekends okay?" I said which he responded to with a nod.

"Okay have your breakfast I'm gonna go take a shower" I said rushing upstairs I quickly took a shower got dressed in a jogger and a black turtleneck crop top wore my Nike and carried my luggage downstairs.

I left  them in the living room and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

I took a seat at one of the stools on the counter and began munching on my food while sneaking occasional glances at smith whose focus was on his phone with his half eaten breakfast in front of him. Once done with my food I got off the counter washed my dishes dried my hands before turning my attention to smith.

"I'm ready to go" I said to which he responded to with a nod and helped me carry my stuff from the living room into the trunk of his car.

I made my way to my bike turned it on and went off in the direction of the mansion with occasional glances at my side mirror to make sure Smith wasn't too far behind.

We finally made it to the mansion as his men at the front wasted no time in opening the gate as I drove in with smith following behind.

I stepped down from the bike waited for smith to stop before offloading my stuff from the car as a few of his men came and carried it to God knows where.

"I gotta go now take care and remember if need anything I'm a call away" I said making him chuckle as he closed the trunk "you know I'm supposed to be the one saying that" he said glaring playfully at me.

"take care kiddo I'll miss you" he said pulling me for a hug as he murmured the last part more to himself we just stayed there for sometime before he finally let me go.

He got into his car started the engine and drove off as I waved at the retreating car till it was out of view.

A sigh left my mouth as I turned my  gaze to the mansion wondering the path that laid ahead of me.

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