Chapter 40

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Nora POV
The safe house security were everywhere. there were men stationed at every corner.

Damien took me to our room gave me a change of clothes and left saying he had to address his men.

I grabbed the change of clothes Damien gave me and went to the bathroom. I took a long shower, washed my hair and stepped out.

I changed into an oversized t-shirt and shorts and left the bathroom.

Damien wasn't yet back and I practically lost everything in the explosion including my phone. I slipped under the covers trying to get some sleep but I couldn't. A sigh left my lips as I stared at the ceiling above my bed. The events of the evening playing through my mind like a movie.

Everything went down hill so fast but two things were sure we had a mole in the gang and this was just the beginning.

A little around two in the morning Damien walked in looking tired as fuck.

He gulped down the glass of water on the bedside table and laid on the bed with a sigh.

At first I thought he was thinking until I heard his even breathing. He fell asleep. I turned my gaze from the ceiling to him I couldn't help but chuckle when I took in his appearance. He still had his shoes and suit jacket on.

I got off the bed and went over to him.

I took of his shoes and socks, pulled off his suit jacket and laid him properly on the bed.

I kept his shoes away and got back into bed. He pulled me towards him burying his head in my neck murmuring something incoherently in his sleep.

A sigh of content left my lips as I too dozed off.

I opened my eyes and glazed around the dark room. I looked over to Damien's side to find it empty. His side was still a little warm so it wasn't long he left.

I got off the bed and left the room.

I was quite surprised to see the place bustling with his men moving up and down and I'm pretty sure it's not even five yet.

I went down the stairs and into the training room which was packed with people training. I could easily spot Damien in the crowd and made my way over to him.

He was sparing with one of his men in the boxing ring and he was going all out. His sparing partner was no longer trying to land a hit. Damn he was going hard.

As if feeling my stare. He turned to meet gaze and called for a timeout not removing his gaze from me. He hopped of the ring and made his way over to me.

"Hi" I said with a little wave when he came near suddenly feeling a little shy. When I'm I ever shy.

"What are you doing here, you need rest get back to bed" he said tugging me out of the gym.

"I'm fine and I want to train" I said making him sigh as he pinched the space between his brow.

"Oh com'n I'm not some fragile thing that could snap any second. I can take care of myself see I'm fine" I said doing a little twirl for him making him narrow his eyes at me.

"And I wanna see what you got" I said hopping around him and throwing my fists at him making him laugh.

"Thirty minutes" he said as he made his way back to the boxing ring making my eyes light up like a Christmas tree.

"But..." he said making me narrow my eyes at him.

"You won't be sparing with me you'll spare with Rico. if you beat Rico we'll spare tomorrow" he said making me grin.

"Piece of cake" I said entering the ring. Damien helped strap my boxing gloves and I couldn't help but feel siked to finally have a little action.

After a few minutes a blonde well tanned guy with muscles all over stepped into the ring with his boxing gloves grinning down at me.

"You have got to be kidding me" I said glaring at Damien who just shrugged and gave me a teasing smile. Damn Rico looked like a giant compared to me but I knew I could easily take him.

We were given the signal to start but none of us attacked. We just circled each other looking for any open or weak points to attack.

I decided to give him an opening so I dropped my hands a little so my face was left unguarded.

He smirked seeing this as an opportunity and raised his fist about to throw a punch. I quickly ducked under him given him a hard punch on his stomach.

A harsh grunt left his lips as he stumbled back a little clutching his stomach I went behind him and kicked the back of his legs making him fall forward landing on all fours.

I stood back giving him some time to recover and get back on his feet. As he stood I gave him a kick my the side of his rib as a little crack sounded through the surprisingly quiet gym.

I grunt passed him lips as he forfeited and made his way out of the ring.

I glanced around the gym packed with his men but they were quiet all in shock of what just happened the match ended in five minutes.

I looked over at Damien who was staring at me in shock and pride making me chuckle at his expression.

I winked at him and mouthed the words you're next to him making him roll his eyes at me.

I blew him a kiss and he just gave me a fake glare and turned his gaze away from me making me chuckle. So childish.

He made his way over to the ring helped me remove my gloves before carrying me out of the gym and dropped in at the foot of the bed in our room.

"Go take a shower and freshen up then we'll talk about what happened yesterday" he said and I nodded as a reply.

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