Chapter 6

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Nora's POV

  "I don't think you're supposed to be here" I snapped my eyes open glancing over to the owner of the voice as he stared down hard at me.
Quickly holding back my glare, I decided to put my acting to the test as I burst into tears, sniffling and covering my face with my palm making him narrow his eyes at me.
"I don't know what happened, I was at the club a few minutes ago next thing I know I woke up here, I don't know where I am, I'm so scared" I said as my sobs became louder.

"Come here" he said stretching his arms out for me, looking at his hands I walked towards him hesitantly before stepping into his arms, which he wrapped around me pulling me into a hug as he used a hand to rub my back soothingly up and down." Shh it's gonna be okay" was all he said before a white handkerchief was placed over my nose.

  Deciding to play along, I trashed around trying to free myself from his tight grip, after a few more seconds I went limp in his arms as he tucked the piece of cloth into his pocket before carrying me over his shoulders and stepped out of the room.
The sound of his shoe echoed through the quiet hallway as it made contact with the marbled floor, he then stopped as I heard him speak in hushed tones with someone but chose to tone out. He started moving again.

   The cool night breeze soon came in contact with my skin as I resisted the urge to shiver.The sound of beeping was heard as he opened the car, followed by the sound of the door opening as I was placed carefully on the seat followed by the door slamming.

The sound of the drivers door opening beside me was heard followed by rustling sounds as the door too was slammed shut.

The engine sounded to life and soon after we were out of the compound.Wondering where I was being taken I decided to keep my act up.

The dialling of numbers followed by the sound of ringing echoed through the silent car, which made my ears perk up as I listened in.

   "Hello boss" I heard from the other side "prepare the cells I'm bringing in another one "
Damien spoke with authority "yes boss" I heard from the other side followed by the sound of shuffling as the call got disconnected a few seconds later.

  Once I was sure we were at a good distance away from the lab I decided to escape, sneaking a peak at him to be sure he wasn't looking at me and sure enough his full attention was on the road.
  After a few more minutes I sprank into action.Taking a hold of the back of his head,a grunt passed through his mouth as his face came in contact with the steering wheel knocking him unconscious.

The car soon lost control as it swerved around the road because no one was controlling it,I quickly removed my seat belt and jumped out of the car just in time as it went off the road and crashed into a tree.
Getting off from where I layed at the side of the road,I shook off the dirt on my dress,took off my heels,held them in my hands and strolled into the direction of the town.

After walking through the lonely road for sometime, the flash of headlights coming to my direction made me turn back and observe the car just to be sure it wasn't the guy I knocked out.
Once I was sure it wasn't him,, I continued on my way but the car soon slowed down when it got to my side, but I chose to ignore it not even sparing the car a glance.

The rolling down of the car window followed after as the car kept the same pace as me."What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone at this hour?"I heard from the car "Going home"I said keeping my answer short.
"Tell you what, why don't I give you a ride, huh? the streets aren't really safe at night"he said trying to persuade me.I weighed the pros and cons for a few seconds before deciding to agree because if he tried anything I could take him down.

  "Okay"I said briefly as I opened the door and stepped into the car earning a smile from the mysterious stranger,which I chose to ignore.

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