Chapter 36

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Nora's POV

"You wanted to talk to me?"I said wanting to get it over with.

He stared at me for sometime got off the bed and made his way to me. When he reached out his hand to touch me I took a step back making him drop his hand and clench his fist by his sides.

"If it's nothing I want to clean of my makeup and head to bed" I said blowing past him but he held my forearm as I was about to pass.

"Look I know it seems like something's going on with me and Brianna you have to trust me just hear me out" he said pleadingly.

"I'm listening" I said shrugging his arm off and putting a little distance between us.

"Brianna was my childhood friend we dated when we were in high school. One thing led to another we broke up and she moved way. I got a call from Brianna's mum saying she needed help that's when I went away for a week" he said taking a breath.

"I met with Brianna's mum who told me Brianna's mentally ill and actually still thinks we're teenagers and still dating I brought her here to try and help her, I'm planning on sending her back in two days I promise everything will be fine" he said holding my hands in his.

"She isn't sick" I told him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"She's not sick. if she was I would have known believe me when I pass sick people on the streets I know but she's perfectly fine" I said titling my head to the side.

"It doesn't matter anyway if you say you're sending her back then no problem" I said brushing pass him and into the bathroom.

I freed my hair from its bun grabbed a wiper from the cabinet under the sink and wiped off my makeup.

I stepped out of the dress and laid it on the counter in the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

Once done I came out wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom to find the room empty.

I slipped into my pajamas and got under the covers and dozed off into a light slumber.

I got up the next morning to find Damien's side still empty but the wrinkles on the sheets were evidence he came into bed.

I got off the end and went to take a shower.

Once I was done I got dressed into a black turtle neck body con shirt with long sleeves along with a white plaited skirt.

I fixed on my white heels curled my hair applied mascara and lipgloss and I was good to go. I grabbed my phone, purse ID card and left the room.

I walked into the dining to see Damien and Brianna having breakfast but unlike before there was a little distance between them and little miss perfect there was glaring daggers at me I guess she was pretending to be sick.

"Miss Nora I made you this coffee" Brianna said with a smile as she pointed at the cup of coffee by her side.

"Umm.. thanks?" I said picking up the cup and taking a sip. Wow that's quite good I thought.

I grabbed an apple from the bowl waved them goodbye and left the house,got into the car and drove off.

I parked my car in the parking space in front of the laboratory and stepped out. I walked into the office to see Mia already there working on some papers.

"How the hell did you get here before me?" I asked taking a seat on the couch.

"Damn girl love your fit I could die for your closet" she said making me chuckle.

"Well you came just in time they are about to run another test for an agent com'n" she said walking out the door leaving me to follow behind her.

We were back in the operation theatre we went yesterday and took a seat along with other scientist.

A girl who looked to be a little older than me was rolled in this time the doctor was a little hesitant to inject the girl but summoned up a little courage and did it.

This time the girl laid still for up to ten minutes before she was pronounced dead.

"I think we should put this project on hold for a while to get things on track because this is clearly failing" Mia spoke up and this time scientist backed her up and soon the place was in an uproar as scientist turned into protesters.

The project was finally agreed to be put on hold for a while. The rest of the day were spent helping Mia with paperworks and before I knew it. It was time to go home.

I grabbed my purse bid Mia goodbye and drove home.

I walked in and was greeted by Lucas at the front door " hello Lucas haven't seen you in a while how've you been doing?" I asked smiling genuinely "I'm good Mrs Von" he said with a slight bow.

"Is Damien home?" I asked glancing up the stairs "yes but he is in a meeting" he said keeping his gaze down.

I gave him a smile which he clearly didn't see and went upstairs.

I walked up the stairs about to go into my room but noticed Brianna standing in the middle of the corridor with a knife in her hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked wearily.

"Why ? She asked  "we would have been perfect if you weren't in the picture I tried everything seducing him, talking shit about you, drugging him but he just wouldn't budge" she muttered in tears leaving me stunned.

"So I tried moving you out of the picture. you are supposed to be dead for fucks sake you drank poison" she said staring at me looking confused that's when it finally clicked. The coffee she gave me in the morning must have been poisoned.

"I guess the saying was true if you want something right you've got to do it yourself" she said chuckling darkly.

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