Chapter 67

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Nora's POV
I opened the closet and was quite surprised to see it filled with clothing, men's clothing to be precise. I'm not sure someone would be comfortable with me moving about in their clothing.

I was about to close the closet but froze when I noticed a particular shirt Damien loved a lot which made me sniffle when I realized this was Damien's room.

I tugged off the shirt and held it closer to my chest as I sobbed hysterically. It was a Calvin Klein shirt Damien loved a lot. He always bragged about it a lot saying it was one of a kind and it cost a lot.

"Nora" I heard from behind me.

"Sorry for waking you up" I chuckled a little trying to wipe the tears off my face.

"It's okay let it out" he says gripping my shoulder and that's all it took for me to let the dam lose again.

"There was a day he came home and saw me wearing the shirt. I got a little ketchup on it " I say once I've calmed down a little. "His eyes were practically twitching, he hauled me up took us to our room and ripped the shirt off me when I wouldn't let him take it he started throwing tantrums like a child" I said trying to hold back the tears.

""Hey it's okay we're gonna find him okay but you've got to stay strong for us. For him" William said giving me a side hug "thank you for being here with me" I murmured into his shoulder.

"Anytime I'll leave you to get dressed" he said leaving the room making me remember I was still in a towel.

I kept the shirt back and pull on one of his hoodies and sweatpants filled with his cologne. I take a sniff of it which instantly calmed  me down.

I threw my hair into a messy bun, grabbed my phone off the nightstand and left the room.

I stepped out of the room to find William and Lucas talking in hushed tones a few feet away from where I was.

They stopped talking and turned their attention to me when they saw me approaching

"Any news about him?" I asked but Lucas shakes his head biting his lips as tears welled up his eyes.

"I'm ready" I said. Lucas nodded his head and lead the way. We went down a couple stairs and stepped into a darkly lit hallway which reaked of blood and decaying flesh. William looked like he was about to puke but held it in.

They were cells at both sides of the place most of them were empty only a few held people inside and they weren't in good condition.

We finally stopped in front of a cell where a brunette was chained onto a chair slouched in a position where her hair was covering her face.

The sound of keys dangling and the metal cell creaking open made her raise her eyes up. Her gaze flickered through all three of us before landing back on me and even had the audacity to smirk.

"Mrs Von do you want to question her?" Lucas asked  as I walked further into the room.

"No I just need to blow off some steam you guys can go I'll be fine" I said giving them a smile before turning my gaze back to Chelsea. Lucas left without a word while William looked a little hesitant but left nevertheless.

"Looks like the little girl finally grew some balls" she taunted. "You're never getting anything out of me" she said laughing hysterically.

I walked over to a table laid with different weapons and grabbed a small knife. I made my way over to her not caring about what she was saying I had this pent up anger and a lot of sadness in me I have to let out.

I raised the knife and stabbed her foot making her scream and trash hysterically. I raised the knife and stabbed the other foot and moved to her toes cutting all ten of them.

By now she was begging me to leave her or kill her off but that would be too easy she deserved a slow and painful death.

I finally stood up from my crouched position when I was done with her she was unrecognizable and barely alive.

I took a machet from the table and sliced her head off. I walked out of the basement and into the gym where most of his men were. They all froze when they at the sight of me but my eyes remained on one person who looked absolutely terrified I don't blame any of them I was covered in blood.

I grabbed a pen off one of the tables and went over to Lucas. As if reading my thoughts he pulled out his palm letting me scribble whatever I wanted to write on it.

"Deliver it to that address and tell them to stop whatever they are doing or I'll hunt them down one by one" I said dropping the head by his foot and walked away.

I walked into the room and went straight to the shower and left the water wash the blood away. I couldn't help but curse my luck.

Everyone ends up either leaving or dying I don't know how long I stayed in the shower but a knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Nora you okay you've been there for a while" Williams said from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute" I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

I walked out to find William seated on the bed with his head in his hands. His head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door closing.

"You okay?" he asked. I nod.

"Look if you don't wanna have anything to do with me after what you saw in there it's fine. I just wanna thank you for being by my side" I said with a sad smile about to sidestep him but he blocked my path.

"I'll never leave you I'll always be here with you by your side always" he said ruffling my wet hair.

"Stop" I whined swatting his hands away making him chuckle.

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