Chapter 28

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Nora's POV
    After our little brunch we bid each other goodbye and went our separate ways.

I drove for a while before stopping by the red light glancing at my review mirror a lot. Right from when I was in the restaurant I noticed the guy kept stealing glances at our table.

I thought it was one of Micheal's security but after we separated he kept following me.

When the light turned green I took a different turn landing me back into the dirt road I met up with Smith a few days ago.

I immediately stopped the car got out and pointed my gun to the drivers side. "Step out with your hands up or I'll shoot" I said boldly.

The car door opened and a well built dark guy stepped out placed his gun on the road and raised his hands up.

"Why were you following me?" I asked but the guy remained quiet.

"I give you five seconds to talk or I'll blow your brains out" I said clicking off the guns safety.

"One,two three four .."I started counting when he remained silent

"Okay okay I'll talk" he said shaking in fear.

"You husband Mr Von gave me orders to follow you around and keep you safe" he said sweating profusely making me sigh. Of course the asshole was gonna keep tabs on me.

The guy he asked to follow me around was definitely new to the whole mafia thing.

Rule no 1 of mafia is never betray the family. I made my way back to the car and drove back to the mansion.

I walked up the stairs, took a left and brought out my gun but was stopped at the door.

"I'm sorry Mrs Von but you can't enter Mr Von is in a very important meeting." Lucas said holding his hand out in front of me.

"If you don't move right now I'll gonna kill you and dump your body in a place where no one's ever gonna find it" I said calmly.

Lucas visibly gulped and stepped aside "good boy" I said patting his shoulder as I passed by.

I pushed open the door making everyone's attention turn to me but that didn't stop me.

I walked over to him at the head of the table and pointed the gun at him.

Guns from people all over the room got pointed  at me while the jackass had a smirk on his face.

He gave the others a signal and they dropped their guns but I still held mine at him.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your fuckin balls right now" I said in anger.

"You had someone follow me around. What do I look like a child?" I asked calmly

Damien stood up from his chair walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug "I'm sorry" he apologized "don't do that again" I asked giving him a pointed look.

"I know I promise" he said with a smile "hmm now give me your credit card I need to get something" I said stretching my palm out making him chuckle.

He placed it on my palm making me smile I waved him goodbye and left the room.

I walked into my office opened my safe and brought out my dad's laptop, flash drive and journals.

I turned on the laptop and tried the passcode but it didn't open making me sigh. I tried it again but it turned out wrong.

I plugged in one of the flash drives into my laptop and just like I suspected it had a password. I kept them back into the safe leaving only the journals.

The journals only contained his failed projects. A sigh left my lips as I ran my hands through my hair. I placed them back into the safe and locked it.

I searched for my fathers name on the web and it came up. He and my mom were already registered as dead with me missing.

They conducted an investigation to find me but the case was closed three days later probably
had something to do with Smith.

I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. how the hell I'm I supposed to crack the passcode.

My door was pushed open making it hit the wall with a loud bang "there's are thing called knocking" I said as Damien walked in and took a seat opposite me."You don't knock" he said with a grin.

"it's only fun when I do it. now get out" I said with a calm smile "I don't want to" he said going over to the family pictures I hung.

"Look I'm trying to work here can you not do this right now" I said letting my exhaustion I've been hiding show.

"What's wrong?" he said gripping my chin so I was looking at him "you know you can tell me anything after all I'm your husband" he said giving me a smile.

"Now tell me what's wrong?" he asked taking a seat on the desk.

I unlocked the safe, brought my dad's stuff out and dropped them by his side.

"These are my fathers I couldn't crack the code for the laptop and hard drive the journals are just information about how to create an agent" I said taking a breath.

"I actually thought that I might find a clue or something to help find him but I've got nothing" I said holding my head in my hands.

"There's a possibility of the laptop being the same as the rest but there's no harm in trying right?" I asked my eyes shimmering with hope.

"Hmm and you are gonna keep trying till you get what you want and you don't have to do it alone anymore. I'm gonna be here for you every step of the way" he said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You know what I'm gonna give the laptop and hard drive to the best hacker I've got. It will be ready in the next 48 hours how about that?" He said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hmm" I said with a nod.

"Good now let's go get lunch and you can tell me if your so called friend is more handsome than me" he said making me laugh as we left my office.

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