Chapter 11

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I want to give a special shout-out to MichelleAllerton thanks so much for your love and support it means a lot.

Damien's POV

The girl shot a guy planning to take me unaware by attacking from behind.

That's when hell broke loose.

Where the hell did she get a gun from? I couldn't help but think as I shot down a few of his men until my bullet ran out making me curse silently .

I crouched back down to take cover as bullets rang through the air, my men at the club were supposed to be alerted already by the sound of the bullets. Something was wrong.

A light tap snapped me back to reality followed by the falling of metal at my front making me look down to see a gun.

I looked back up towards the girl who was already crouching down at a different car not far from me.

"you're gonna need that, i'll be right back don't miss me "she said with a small wave making me glance at her hands to notice a small dagger replacing the gun in her hands. I was about to say something but she had already gone too far.

she's gonna get herself killed I couldn't help but think before going back to the matter at hand.

A little while later the gunshot had stopped as all the other men were down except one only to look up and see he and the girl were engaged in hand to hand combat, but without batting an eye I could tell she was winning.

The guy's movement looked sloppy because of his injuries,while she moved effortlessly dodging his attacks and landing a few of her own without a care in the world.

I was enjoying the show until the guy fell to the ground and she got distracted for a second before a bullet rang through the cold night.

I looked back at them only to realize the person holding the gun was the guy but she didn't even bat an eye or flinch making me wonder whether he missed the shot, but wasn't alive much longer as she shoved the knife through his head before bragging it back out while I just stood there watching her every move.

she stood back up glanced at me before coming into my direction stopping a few feet away from me. Seeing her so close I realized the gunshot actually touched her as I saw the shoulder of her hoodie was soaked with blood.

She stretched out her hand opening up her palm, already knowing what she was asking for I held her hand pulling her closer until there was little to no distance between us as she just stared at me.

"come lets take care of your wound" I said as I moved to the direction of the club with her hand still in mine but she didn't budge "its fine i'll be fine but I need to go now"she said which I said nothing to as I tugged her relentlessly towards the club which to my surprise she didn't oppose.

Stopping at the front of the club I informed the bouncers to call my men to take care of the mess in the parking lot and stop access there till the place mess was done and an emergency meeting was going to held first thing tomorrow morning.

I walked into the club passing through the crowd of sweaty bodies rubbing off against one another before entering a hall and stopping in front of the elevator with the girl following behind me.I pressed the button and waited for a few seconds before it opened, I walked in with her following closely behind.

Pressing the top floor the door closed softly, after a few minutes we came into the floor as I walked and stopped at a door at the end of the hallway. Taking the key from my pocket I unlocked the door pushed it open.

Walking  in with our hands still intertwined I placed her on my office desk as I walked behind the table and pulled out a first aid box before going over to her "take of your shirt" I said glancing at her for a brief moment "look its really fine I'm good"she said trying to convince me.

"Don't worry I wont look"I said wiggling my eyebrows at her making her sigh as she just took off the hoodie leaving her only with her sports bra making me glance back down at the first aid kit. Damn she was tempting.

Her soft hand covered mine stopping my hand from its movement on the box "its really fine"she muttered quietly. I raised up my head to object but froze in my place when I noticed her shoulder.

There were still traces of blood there signifying there was a wound there but where's s the wound itself

"what the fuck"I cursed out confused

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