Chapter 48

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   I killed Nora. Nora was innocent and I killed her. I killed the love of my life.

I deserved it. I deserved to die.

After everything she did for me, she almost died for me. she got kidnapped for me and how did I pay her. I killed her.

I stared back at Antonio talking but I tuned out as I watched all our memories I shoved away play in front of me.

No matter how much I denied it I loved her I still do and I never got the chance to tell her.

I stared at Antonio as he gave me a grin and cocked the safety off his gun and all I did was stare at him. I accepted my fate.

When I thought it was finally over I heard two gunshots with a loud thud behind me and Antonio looking shocked before falling to the ground coughing up blood.

I turned behind me to see Willow dead. Shot  between his eyes. I turned my gaze back to the window in front of me to see a small hole there made by the bullet that killed Antonio.

It was over. I won. I thought with a chuckle.

But it really didn't feel like a win for me.

I walked out of the office to see Lucas rushing upstairs "Boss" he said and I nodded my head to which he replied to with a small nod. My way of telling them we won.

I walked out the mansion littered with dead bodies got in the car and drove off.

I stopped at the club drank for hours before driving aimlessly around LA stopping at the beach I took her to.

I walked into the sandy beach and stopped when I was a few inches away from the water.

"I'm sorry" I muttered as tears ran down my face. "I'm sorry I'm sorry...." I said apologizing continuously.

If only I had listened. if only I trusted her. I was such a fool. Now she's gone and I'm never going to see her again.

It has been a year I won the Russian mafia. A year without her. A year since I've killed her.

I haven't gotten over the guilt it still haunts me but I've learnt to live with it.

My life has gone back the way it was before she came work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. I don't do anything besides that. Not a day goes by without me thinking about her. I did a grave for her at in the garden as she seems to love the place.

I would always come to her grave every night before going to bed. I would talk to her for hours tell her about my day.

My parents were the happiest about Nora's death and didn't waste time in shoving another prospective wife in my face. They are lucky they're still alive I almost put a bullet through his head.

"Boss" Lucas called standing at the door with a bow "hmm?" I replied "his ready" he said and left the office. I walked out of my office in the  warehouse and into the basement.

"Who do we have here? Another fucking betrayal" I said with a chuckle grabbing a small dagger from the table.

I stopped having mercy on backstabbers in the gang after Nora. They have done it once and they can do it again.

"You have been stealing my money and you thought I wouldn't find out" I said chuckling darkly.

"I'm sorry boss I'm sorry I really needed the money" he said shaking with fear.

"Why did you take it?" I said deciding to be rational for once.

"I really needed the money for my wife's treatment sir "he said with tears running down his face.

"What are we here?" I said squatting down in front of him

"Answer" I screamed at him angrily making him flinch.

"Family" he whispered

"What? I couldn't hear you" I said

"We're a family" he said with fear.

"Right so you could have fuckin asked" I said stabbing him on his thigh making him scream.

"You're lying" I said making his eyes widen

"I'm not boss I swear I'm telling the truth" he said shaking in fear.

"You don't have a wife, you aren't married or have you forgotten we have your profile" I said standing up from where I was squatting.

"Now tell me the truth what have you been doing with my fucking money?" I said but he kept silent.

"Oh I know you've been wasting my fucking money on gambling" I screamed in anger yanking the knife from his thigh and stabbing the other one.

"Boss I'm sorry I'm sorry" he begged continuously.

I grabbed a napkin off the table and cleaned my bloody hand and walked out.

"finish him off" I said to Lucas and walked away.

I entered my office and went to the mini bar I had inside and turned myself some scotch.

My phone rang loudly through the quiet office making me curse. "What?" I said sharply.

"Boss the people handling San Francisco aren't doing too good their shipments keep getting mixed up and warehouses keep getting burnt down" Lucas said making me curse.

"You Rico and five other men should get ready we'll be leaving from San Francisco in three hours" i said and ended the call with a sigh.

I went into my room grabbed a suitcase front the top of the closet and zipped it open. I opened the closet but couldn't help but stare at the other side of the closet which still contained Nora's things. I couldn't find it in my heart to throw them away.

I packed a few clothes folded them into the back and zipped it. I rolled and kept it at the side of the door as my men would come to get it.

I stepped into the bathroom and took a shower.

I stepped out got dressed in a simple suit trouser and black long sleeved top grabbed my phone and left for the airport.

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