Chapter 49

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Nora's POV
    These are the files from the meeting your signature is needed to seal off the deal" My secretary Melany said dropping the files my table.

"I'll call you when I'm done" I said as she nodded and walked out of the office.

I spinned my chair so I was staring at the glass wall behind my desk. I stared at  the hotel I built in one year. It's only a year but it was making its way to the top. The  best of the best.

No one knows who the CEO is and I'll like to keep it that way. My life was finally sailing smoothly after so long.

I gave up on finding my father he didn't want to be found he's okay with wherever he is and I don't mind as long as he's happy.

The day Damien ordered them to kill me still played at the back of my mind like a music on repeat no matter how much I tried.

I stared at the couples, families and business partners stroll in and out of the hotel looking happy.

My door was pushed open with a loud bang making me curse.

"The queen bitch of all bitches have arrived" I heard my friend William say as he walked in dramatically making me chuckle.

"Aren't you in a good mood?" I said turning my chair back.

"Well I saw a fine piece of meat in the hallway with a nice ass and he gave me his number, FYI he plays football" he said fanning his face dramatically.

"Well good luck" I said going through the file Melany dropped.

"Bitch your life is so boring, go have fun, your still young. You're a ten out of ten I mean look at that face, ass and tities if I wasn't gay I would have banged you in a heartbeat" he said making me crunch my face in disgust.

"Eww" I said going back to the file.

"Oh Com'n at least come with me to the bar in your hotel tonight it's gonna be fun" he said making me chuckle.

"Whatever makes you happy" I said making him squeal like a teenage girl.

"Yes. Now we're talking wear something slutty he said and walked out.

That man was a piece of work I thought and went back to the work I had.

I spent the whole day going through files and exterior designs for the gym cos it needed an upgrade.


"Bitch how are you not ready" I heard making raise my head and sighed when I saw William.

"What's the time now?" I asked taking off my reading glasses.

"It's after eight. We're supposed to be drunk and getting right now not working" he screamed doing weird things with his hands.

"Com'n let's get you ready" he said taking me up and into my penthouse.

"Go take a shower I'll look for something for you to wear" he said literally shoving me into the bathroom.

I took a lathered soap on my body rinsed it off shampooed my hair and I was done.

I stepped out of the bathroom in a robe to see William nowhere to be found but he laid a dress out on the bed for me.

I curled my hair applied light makeup rubbed my lipgloss and wore the dress. The dress was a white leather off shoulder gown. It stopped mid thigh and hugged my curve perfectly. I wore my white heels grabbed my purse off the bed and I was good to go.

I walked out of the room to see William scavenging through my fridge. He turned around he heard me coming and his jaw dropped.

"Oh 'em gee yes bitch" he said squealing

"Com'n it's time for you to get laid and wasted" he said grabbing my hand and dragged me out of the penthouse.

We stepped into the bar and I couldn't help but applause my hard work the bar was literally screaming elegance.

I was only here once and it was for the opening. There were a lot of people here but it wasn't packed because the place was quite huge.

William dragged me to the bar and literally pumped me with drinks.

After a couple drinks I pretended to be tipsy cos I couldn't get drunk. So it was just to make William happy.

"Aren't you having fun?" William said swaying softly to the soft music playing in the bar.

"Hmm" I muttered poking the vodka bottle.

"You're wasted as fuck. You are so gonna kill me tomorrow " he said chuckling to himself.

A well tanned guy with piercings came over to me "hey beautiful" the guy said staring at me like I'm some piece of meat.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked touching my bare shoulder.

"I'm good" I said trying my hardest not to snap his neck.

I turned over to talk to William but he was no longer there. I looked around but couldn't find him "fucking backstabber" I muttered taking a sip of my vodka.

"How about we go have some fun" he said literally eye fucking me.

"I'll pass" I said grabbing my purse and hopping off the stool.

I walked out of the bar but I knew he was still following me. What a creep.

Instead of going back to the hotel I took a turn leading to the beach.

I was yanked into a chest as the guy placed a sloppy kiss on my neck as he rubbed his dick on my ass. Fuck that felt good and disgusting at the same time. Fuck I really needed to get laid.

I turned around and kneed him in the balls making him bend down in pain.

I threw a hard punch on his face knocking him out. Asshole.

I grabbed my purse that fell on the sandy beach and made my way back to my penthouse. I'm so gonna murder William tomorrow.

I strolled in through the hotel lobby with my staff greeting me with respect as I passed them.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the elevator is under maintenance" one of the hotel staff told me when I was about to enter  my private elevator.

I nodded my head as a reply and went to the elevator everyone else uses.

I pressed the button and waited for a few minutes before it came down.

The elevator door opened but i stiffened as I stared at those four familiar faces. I breathed out and stepped into the elevator with my head held high.

We are nothing but strangers at the point. Our marriage contract has expired what we had is in the past and it would remain there forever.

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