Chapter 61

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Nora's POV

"Wow this place is huge" Mia gushed as we stepped into one of the ballrooms the hotel had.

"Do you like it" I asked

"Like it I love it" she said squealing like a child.

"I wasn't talking to you" I said with a scowl before turning my gaze to Micheal.

"So do you like it?" I asked again this time to Micheal.

"I don't really mind where we do the wedding anywhere is fine with me" Micheal said dangling the car keys in front of Nathan.

"Time for shopping" she said in a sing song voice.

"For what exactly?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Dresses for my maid of honor and bridesmaids" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the ballroom.


After turning around the mall for what felt like eternity we ended up with nothing.

"Can we please go home my feets are killing me" I said slumping on a bench in front of the mall.

"What are my bridesmaids going to wear for the wedding. None of the dresses there felt right" she said with a huge sigh.

"Do you have a particular kind of dress in mind?" I asked turning my attention to her.

"Yeah something like that" She said fixing her hair in the review mirror.

"Come with me" I said getting out of the car. I could tell she wanted to protest but she didn't say anything and just followed me.

We got back into the mall and took the elevator upstairs. We stopped in front of a fancy high class store called Valerie's clothing and accessory and went in.

We were immediately greeted by Valerie the owner as she knew me very well and immediately got to work with Mia.

We first went around the store looking at the dresses they had available. I almost felt like crying out of joy when she finally found four dresses that fitted her description for me and the other bridesmaid.

After a little back and forth bickering about who was going to pay for the dresses Mia finally let me pay. After paying, the dresses were wrapped and we were good to go.

On the way home we pulled up in front of the grocery store bought a few things for the house and baby formula for Nathan and headed back to the hotel.

Mia and I strolled through the lobby cracking jokes and laughing hysterically earning some looks from the residents in the hotel.

The smile I had slid off my face when I saw Damien and Chelsea eating off each other's faces in the lobby.

"Hey you good?" Mai asked worry smeared all over her face.

"Yeah I'm good" I said plastering a fake smile on my face and lead her to my private elevator.

We got in and pressed my floor. I gave them one last look before the elevator door closed.

They stared at each other like they were each other's world which made my heart squeeze. He stared at me once like that too.

"Nora?" Mia nudged me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You sure your okay?" She asked with a frown.

"Yeah I am. what were you saying again?" I asked changing the topic.

"I was asking if we could go shopping for decor tomorrow" she asked excitedly.

"Nah the hotel already has tons of decorations in different colors we aren't using. We'll just have to go through them" I said already dreading tomorrow.

"Yay I'm so excited" she said clapping and hopping on her toes like a five year old. I couldn't help but smile and look forward to tomorrow seeing her so happy.

I take it back. I should have just shut my fucking mouth and went decor shopping instead.

We have been digging for decor for the past two hours in the hotels storage room but nothing fits her taste. It's either too tacky or too sparkly and don't get me started on the utensils.

We went through the finest utensils the hotel had but it wasn't to her taste so we decided to order.  After browsing the website for up to thirty minutes she settled on spoons that cost fifty dollars for one and we ordered up to a hundred off those. Those spoons better puke money or someone's getting it.

All we had to find now was table cloth for the bride and grooms table that isn't supposed to be hard right. Wrong. With Mia being Mia we took another thirty minutes looking for table cloth and she still hasn't found anything that suits her taste. I love this girl to death but i really feel like just killing her and stuffing her body in the cool room right now.

I've given up trying to help her so right now I'm  currently perched on a few boxes at the side of the storage with my boba in hand watching Mia dig through piles and piles of table cloth.

This would have been a lot easier if the hotel staff lended us a hand but Mia shooed them off as she wanted to do it herself. Her words not mine.

"Finally" Mia screeched with a gasp.

"I've found it" she said shoving the other piles off her body so she could stand up.

"I found the prefect linen" she said smiling like who won a lottery.

"Cool" I said taking a sip of my boba
Cool? Just cool" mia said looking awestruck.

I turned my gaze from her face to the tablecloth she had at hand then back to her face. "Yeah cool let's go" I said hopping off the box and out the room leaving her to follow behind.

"You gotta be careful" Mai said when she caught up with me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"He was able to create more like you and......he knows where you are" she said with all seriousness.

"Hmm I'll manage" I muttered earning a scowl from Mia.

"Hey I'll be fine" I said giving Mia a side hug and she returned it.

"Let's go hall decorating" she said clapping her hands excitedly and dragging me off to the venue.

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