Chapter 51

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Nora's POV
I could tell William wasn't quite comfortable with leaving me alone with the fifty year old baldie.So I gave him a curt nod telling him I'll be fine. He gave Mr Dennis a look and left with Melany.

"So what are your conditions Mr Dennis?" I asked more than ready to end the meeting.

"Hmm so the rumors were true" he said resting his chin on his palm.

I raised an eyebrow for him to elaborate.

"That the CEO of Queens hotel and suite was quite an eye candy" he said leaning over the table. "What a beauty" he said stretching his hands to touch my cheek but I backed away.

"Mr Dennis" I said his name coming out as a warning.

"A night together and the contract is yours" he said with a disgusting smile that made me shiver.

I packed up my things and left the table without replying to him. The asshole would probably be my fathers age. What a creep.

I walked out of the restaurant and spotted William and Melany sitting on one of the tables we had outside.

"How'd it go?" William asked taking a sip of his milkshake.

"Like the rest" I said vaguely taking a seat next to Melany.

"Do you want me to give him a piece of my mind?" he asked cracking his knuckles.

"I'm good and a lawsuit is the last thing I need right now" I said leaning into the chair with a sigh.

"Hey" William shrieked when I took a sip of his milkshake.

"I gonna head back to my penthouse I need a nap" I said sitting upright.

"Do you want me to follow you up?" William and Melany asked at the same time making me chuckle.

"I'll be fine. later bitches" I said waving them goodbye and leaving the restaurant.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I stepped into my private elevator. I was doing a good job avoiding Damien I'm sure he'll be gone in no time. I thought with a smirk.

The elevator door dinged open at my floor. I came out and made my way to the penthouse.

I sighed when I reached the door and saw Damien leaning casually by the wall near my door.

'Ignore him ignore him' I chanted in my head as I made my way to the door and placed the key card on it.

I opened the door and stepped in. I was about to close the door but his leg stuck through blocking the door.

"Can I help you?" I asked as politely as I can.

"Wouldn't you invite me for tea after all I've been waiting for you" he said tilting his head to the side which made him hot. What I'm I saying he isn't hot.

"But I don't know you?" I asked giving him a bored look.

That must have ticked him off cos he pushed the door open making it hit the wall with a loud bang.

"What?" he asked clenching his jaw.

"I don't know you" I repeated firmly.

He chuckled darkly. "Why don't we test it out and see" he said trapping me at the wall and brought his head forehead so our foreheads were touching.

"I missed you" he said placing a kiss on my forehead. I'm wavering I thought taking a deep breath.

"Get out" i said trying to keep my anger at bay.

"What?" He asked giving me a skeptical look

"Get out before I call security" I screamed in anger. " I'll be back" he said giving my hand a light squeeze and left.

I could tell he was shocked and hurt by my outburst but I didn't care right now. Cos I was mad at myself. Mad that he still had control over me.

I still had a soft spot for him. After all there was a point in life where my life revolved around him. He was my world and I thought I was his too. But clearly I was wrong.

With a sigh I tossed my bag on the couch. I went to my bedroom kicked off my heels my suit jacket and skirt. I climbed onto my bed and dozed off in nothing but my underwear and top.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I was suddenly carried from the chair and into a van but no one replied.

We stopped at a large empty field. I was thrown on the ground my hands and legs still bound together.

Cold liquid was poured on me making me clutch my eyes shut. Fuel.

"You can't do this Damien will find out" I said calmly but Lucas just gave me a sympathetic look and brought out a lighter.

That look said everything I needed to know he was following Damien's orders. Damien wanted to kill me.

He brought out a lighter but hesitated. He couldn't do it. He walked turned his back to me and threw the lighter over his shoulders"

"We'll miss you Mrs Von"
My eyes snapped open. I sat up with a gasp rubbing my hands over my body furiously as my skin felt hot like I was still on fire.

A cry of pain left my lips as I stumbled off the
bed and into the bathroom. I stepped into the shower and turned it on letting the cold water sooth my burning skin.

It has been like this for a year the nightmares and me waking up to my skin burning. When was it going to end.

I sat there for God knew how long just staring into space.

Once I regained myself I turned off the shower stripped off my wet clothes and dumped them in the laundry basket.

I walked out of the bathroom and tied my hair into a messy bun. I threw on an oversized T-shirt and baggy trousers before going to my office to get some work done cos sleeping is the last thing I wanna do.

I stopped at my study door and sighed I didn't really feel like working. So I grabbed my phone keycard some cash and left the penthouse.

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