Chapter 26

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Nora's POV
I ate dinner alone as Damien had some important work to do so he was in his study.

I went into the room changed into my pj's and got under the covers. I turned off the light and dosed off into a light slumber.


My eyes snapped open as I sat up gasping for breath trying to recover from the nightmare.

I brought my hands up about to run it through my hair but realized somewhere in my sleep I had grabbed the knife from under my pillow making me sigh.

I looked over to the other side of the bed but Damien wasn't there. There wasn't even a slight wrinkle on his side which showed he didn't come to bed.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and glanced at the time which read 2:15am.

I came off the bed and went off to look for Damien. I walked towards his office pushed the door open and stepped in.

I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw him. He had his head down on the desk. Snoring very loudly.

I walked behind his desk and gave him a slight tap but he didn't budge . I repeated it a few more times but he didn't even bat an eye.
He sleeps rather deep for a mafia leader.

Already regretting my decision of coming to wake him. I wanted nothing more than to get back into bed so I gave him a huge shove knocking him off the chair in the process.

He sprang up his head sprinting left and right taking in his surrounding. His tense posture calm down when he spotted me, a sigh left his lips as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Get to bed" I said and walked out.

I climbed back into bed and dozed off into a light slumber.

After a few minutes I felt his arm wrap around me as he tugged me close to him. I didn't even hear him come in. A sigh of content escaping his lips as he too dozed off.

I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. I groaned in frustration wanting to smash it. I hummed in satisfaction when it stopped but it started again a few seconds after.

I snatched the phone off the nightstand and answered it.

"Hey Kenzie how you doing?" I heard from the other side. It took me a minute to recognize who was speaking from the other side.

"Micheal yeah I'm good" I muttered sitting up groggily.

"That's good, if you aren't too busy can we have brunch together by 10pm?" he asked "sure no problem just text me the place bye" I said cutting the call not waiting for him to reply.

"Who were you talking to?" Damien asked leaning on the bathroom door. "Don't do that it's creepy" I muttered getting off the bed

"You haven't answered my question yet" he said rather calmly "I'm having lunch with a friend" I said searching through the closet for something to wear.

"And that friend is a man" he asked wearily "yeah" I said not putting much thought to his question.

I dropped my outfit for the day on the bed pushed Damien off the bathroom door and slammed it shut.

I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

I stepped out of the bathroom lotioned my body slipped on my leather trousers and a short sleeved crop top.

I wore my Jordan's, did my mascara and lipgloss carried my phone, keys and some cash and I was good to go.

I walked down the stairs and took a seat next to Damien on the dining table. I thanked Mrs Mabel when she placed my breakfast in front of me and dug in.

I looked up from my breakfast and glanced at the small box placed by my side. "What's this?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

He opened it and placed it by my side again "since we're married I got us rings, how could we be married without a ring" he said chuckling nervously.

"Hmm" I said plainly. I took my ring from the box and slipped it on my finger.

"I've got to go now,later" I said waving him goodbye and left the house.

I still had two hours before the brunch so I drove back to my parents old house. I walked in stepped on the front door I broke yesterday and made my way towards the back door.

It all felt like de ja vu  like everything happened yesterday the way my father picked me up and ran through the back door.

It all played in front of my eyes like a movie but I knew they were just my memories.

I walked out the back door and into the overgrown forest. i walked until I came to the spot where my dad handed me over to smith.

A sigh left my lips as I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. what was I expecting to find here. It happened ten years ago for fucks sake.

I sighed one last time and made my way back to my car and drove off.

I pulled over at the restaurant and went in. I glanced around the restaurant before I finally spotted him in sitting by the window.

"Hey" I said with a little wave when I approached him "hey nice to see you again" he said giving me a side hug.

We took our seats. "Hello I'll be your host for the morning what can I get you?" the waitress said with a smile.

"I'll have two burgers and fries please" I said giving the lady a small smile "how about you sir?" she asked professional scribbling down my order.

"I'll take the same thing as hers" he said "okay I'll be back in five minutes with your order" the lady said with a smile and walked away. We just sat there in silence both lost in their own thoughts.

"Nice ring" he said making me glance at the ring " yeah it's not bad" I said gazing at the ring with a silly smile on my face.

"I don't think you're supposed to wear it on that finger people are going to think you're married "he said with a slight chuckle.

"I'm not trying to mislead anyone after all I am married" I said subsciously toying with the ring on my finger.

"You're married?" He asked shocked "yeah I have for about a week now" I said tilting my head to the side trying remember the day we signed the papers completely unaware of the anger radiating off the person opposite me.

The waitress came back with our food and we immediately dug eating in silence. None of us speaking after that.

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