Chapter 72

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Damien's POV
     I heard voices and little beeping sounds around me but it sounded a little distant.
I struggled to open my eyes but couldn't. After sometime I tried again and it opened a little but I clasped it shut cos of the bright light shining on my eyes making me groan.

I felt the light reducing behind closed eyelids and I opened them again sluggishly.

"Hey can you hear me perfectly?" The doctor said snapping his fingers close to my ears.

"Yes" I mumbled in a cracked voice and I was immediately giving water. I gulped down the whole glass and turned my attention back to the doctor

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked checking the monitors and scribbling something on his clipboard.

"Good I guess" I said turning to look out the window. There were sounds of shuffling around the door followed by voices talking in hushed tones.

The door was pushed open and a man and lady stepped into the room they looked to be in their mid forties.

Both faces changed from worry to relief when they saw me.

"We're so glad you're okay" the man said giving me a genuine smile.

"Can you tell us how to get in contact with any of your loved ones they must me worried sick" the woman said looking sad making me crease my brows in thought.

"I don't know, I don't remember" I muttered which made the couple look at the doctor in worry.

"Hmm. It seems you might have had a little concussion which affected your memories. But it's temporary you can regain it anytime but for now get some rest" he said and left.

"What happened to me?" I asked staring at the man and lady.

"We found you doing our hike washed up on the river bank with a gunshot wound on your lower abdomen. You were barely breathing when we found you" the man said drawing his wife closer.

"You don't remember anything at all" the lady asked. I closed my eyes and racked my brain

"Maybe in my next life I would be able to treat you better"

"I don't remember anything" I mumbled.

"Poor kid you can stay with us until you get your memory back" the man said to which I replied to with a small smile.

"I'm Vince and this is my wife Martha. What about you?" He asked but I remained quiet.

"Sorry I forgot about that" he said rubbing his neck sheepishly. "I'm gonna fill the discharge form and we'll be good to go" He said and walked out.

I stared at the news playing on the tv screen but I wasn't paying attention. I was staring at the date instead.

"Umm Ma'am how long was I unconscious?" I asked turning to my gaze to her.

"Oh you were out for about a month" she said stuffing my toiletries and clothes into a duffel bag. I just hummed a reply.

"Here go change" Martha said handing me a hoodie and sweatpants. I nodded as a reply and stepped into the bathroom.

I took off the hospital gown I was wearing but froze and stared at the place bandaged in my lower abdomen.

"Honey you okay in there?" I heard from the other side.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute" I said and quickly changed. I stepped out and saw that Vince was already back and was talking with Martha.

"You look good... Com'n let's go" Vince said pushing open the door and stepped out while Martha held onto my forearm tenderly and lead me outside.

We got into Vince's car and drove off.

We drove for a while before pulling up in a very lively neighborhood filled kids playing at the front yard, a lady gardening and a couple jogging.

We pulled up into a drive way and parked in front of a house. Vince and Martha stepped out and headed to the front door while i just followed closely behind.

We stepped into the house, it was warm and smelled like pancakes and cinnamon.

" Greyson, Silvia Com'n down" Vince shouted standing at the foot of the stairs. The light pounding of footsteps soon followed as a guy and girl came into view.

"This is the boy we told you guys about and he'll be staying with us for a while till he gets back on his feet" Vince said batting my back a little

" Go on, introduce yourselves" he spoke to his children.

"Hey I'm Greyson" the boy said  giving me a handshake.

"Hi I'm Silvia" she said blushing a little as she waved shyly.

"Hi" I murmured taking in their features properly. Both had blonde hair and fair skin but Greyson's eyes were blue while Silvia was brown, they looked to be around the age of eighteen.

"Come I'll show you around" Greyson said leading me upstairs as he showed me around the house. The house had four bedrooms. It wasn't too big but it was homely.

Greyson continued to babble as he showed me around before finally coming to a stop. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"This is gonna be your room, my mum already told us about your arrival so we went shopping and stuffed the closet with clothes" he said and I nodded mumbling a thanks.

"I'll leave you alone for now and come get you when lunch is ready" he said closing the door behind him leaving me to my thoughts.

I laid on the bed with a sigh as I cracked my head trying to remember anything but couldn't. The only thing I could remember was "Maybe in my next life I would be able to treat you better"

"Who did I want to treat better and where is the person?" I thought with a sigh. A knock sounded on the door and i muttered a come in.

"Hi" Silvia said stepping into view in a crop and short skirt making me furrow my brows. She wasn't dressed like that before.

"My dad said you don't remember anything about yourself" she said taking a seat a little too close to me for comfort.

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