Chapter 35

35 3 0

Nora's POV
   After my shower I stepped out moisturized my body,did a little light makeup, did my mascara and lipgloss,  curled my hair before slipping my dress on.

My dress was a black open back dress which flowed all the way to the ground with a thigh high split at the front with a very deep open chest line with net in the middle.

I packed my hair into a near bun letting a few strands fall and fixed my heels.

I messaged Micheal I was ready and gave him my address. I strapped my gun and knife to my thighs and I was good to go.

I walked down the stairs and took a seat on one of the arm chairs flipping through channels as I waited for Micheal.

The sound of a car driving in and horning made me realize he was here. I turned off the tv grabbed my purse and walked out.

I saw Micheal leaning casually on his side door. When he saw me he straightened up kissed the back of my hand and bowed a little making me giggle.

"You look amazing" He said standing straight "thank you, you look good too" i said with a smile as he opened the passengers door for me.

Once I stepped in he closed the door behind me made his way around,got in and drove off.


We pulled up in front of the venue hall littered with paparazzi's everywhere.

"Listen don't answer any of their questions just walk straight in" he said which I replied to with a nod.

He walked out turned to my side and opened the door. The moment I stepped out there were flashes everywhere with people asking questions. He wrapped his arms around me as we went straight in.

The moment we stepped in a breathed a sigh a relief "well that was exhilarating" I muttered

"Tell me about it" he said making me chuckle.

He collected two wine glasses from a passing waiter and handed me one and soon we began mingling.

Many asked if we were engaged saying we looked like a good couple but I knew most of them didn't mean it they just wanted to get on his good side for business.

I felt someone's gaze on me burning a hole through my head I turned my head to the side to get a glimpse of the person and saw Damien glaring daggers at me. what's his problem.

The event finally started and I took a seat on a table with Micheal and a few others but Damien and Brianna decided to join us.

"Nora your ring looks gorgeous" the lady sitting near me gushed making me realize I still had my wedding ring on.

"Are you married?" The lady asked with raised eyebrows.

"No I'm not just wear it for fancy"I said with a small smile

"Your husband will be so are so beautiful" she said with a huge smile making me smile one of my own. Her bubbly nature was contagious.

Micheal soon excused himself to use the bathroom and Damien followed soon after but I thought nothing of it.

After sometime I became a little uneasy they were taking too long I too soon exited myself and went to find Micheal.

I walked through the corridor and stopped as I stared at Damien pointing a gun at Micheal's head.

Without thinking I brought mine out and placed it on the back of his head.

"Lower your gun and if you think for a second I wouldn't pull the trigger then you don't fucking know me" I said already feeling the anger I took from the guy in the lab clawing out for release but I kept it at bay. I had to.

Thankfully he followed my instructions and lowered it. "Why are you with him princess?" He asked turning to face me but I held the gun tighter aiming it at his forehead.

"You don't have the right to question me you let that girl take my place on the dining table, on our bed and the event we were supposed to go together" I said staring him in the eye.

"Look I'm sorry I know it looks bad, but its not what it looks like. Let's go home and I'll tell you everything" he said taking a step closer but I straightened my stance and clicked the safety of the gun making him stop.

"Dammy what's going on?" I heard from behind me but I didn't need to turn around to know it was Brianna.

"Nothing Bri go back to the party" he said forcing a smile.

"Yeah Bri go back to the party like the good girl you are"i said mocking her.

"No I'm tired I want to come home let's go home Dammy" she said making me chuckle darkly.

"So Dammy what's it gonna be take her home or come home with me" I said tilting my head to the side feigning innocence. He clenched and unclenched his jaw as his eyes darted from me to Brianna.

"Micheal thanks for the lovely evening I'll call you when I get home" I said to which he replied to with a nod and hesitantly left.

I dropped my gun and tugged it back into my strap before turning my attention back to Damien.

He brought out his phone and dialed a number "come take Brianna home" he said and ended the call and in a minute Lucas came in and escorted Brianna out.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out. we got into the car and drove off.

The car ride was silent and tense both of us lost in our own thoughts.

We pulled up in front of the mansion. Without waiting for him i went inside and up the stairs with Damien following closely behind once I entered the room I spotted Brianna sitting on the bed making me sigh.

"Nora wait let me explain everything to you please?" He said as he walked in but kept quiet when he saw Brianna.

Brianna who saw Damien sprank up from her seat and made her way over to him "Damien I couldn't go to bed without you let's sleep together" she said smiling excitedly.

I kicked off my shoes and took of my jewerly and placed them on the dresser.

"Listen Brianna I can't do that I have a wife I want to sleep with her and I need to talk to her so go to your room" he said ushering her out. But She protested and became clingy.

"Brianna get out and go to bed" Damien snapped making Brianna stop and walked out of the room making him sigh as he took a seat on the bed.

"You wanted to talk to me?"I said wanting to get it over with.

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