Chapter 38

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Nora's POV
   I pulled up in front of the cafe where they wanted to see me and stepped in.
I saw them seated at a booth by the window. I walked up to them and slid into the booth sitting opposite them.

We placed our orders and after five minutes we received our food.

"So what do you guys want to talk about?" I said taking a sip of my smoothie. They shared a look before turning their attention back to me both hesitant to say it.

"Don't tell you guys broke up" I said giving them a deathly stare which made Micheal cringe and Mia burst into laughter.

"Hell no quite the opposite" Mia said with a grin but I just tilted my head to the side in confusion.

She raised up her hand and pointed at her ring finger. I couldn't help the squeal of excitement that left my lips once I realized what she was talking about.

"You're getting married" I said in awe and she nodded to me.

I squealed again sliding over to their booth. I gave Mia a hug and slapped the back of Micheal's head making him wince I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Such a baby.

"So when is the wedding?" I said taking a bite of my burger.

"In six months and I would like you to be my maid in honor" she said excitedly

"Of course I'll love to" I said and the two of us squealed again earning a groan from Micheal.

"You ladies are so loud" he said rubbing his forehead and Mia stuck her tongue out to him making him roll his eyes at her childishness.

I couldn't help my smile that faltered a little seeing them bicker around it reminded me so much of me and Damien. I missed him.

I played around with my food suddenly losing my appetite. We talked more about the plans for the wedding until it was time for us to say goodbye.

I bid them goodbye and got into my car. I stopped at the grocery store and parked my car in the parking lot.

I grabbed a shopping cart and went in. I picked some Oreos, bread, chips bottled water and some other things . I stared at the packet of spaghetti debating whether or not to cook it for dinner. After Damien left I gave miss Mabel the time off as it was only me around and I was more than capable of cooking for myself.

I picked a few other things before going to the counter to pay.  I walked out and passed by a guy leaning at the hood of the car next to mine but paid no mind to him. I dumped the bags in the trunk of car and locked it.

I made my way to the front of the car about to open the drivers seat but froze when I heard his words.

"Isn't it Miss Nora or should I say Mrs Von" the guy said with a chuckle

"And who might you be?" i asked eyeing him wearily

"Let's just say I'm an old friend of your husband. I must say you are quite the eye candy no wonder Damien's trying to keep you hidden" he said taking a step towards me but stopped when he saw I wasn't shaking or cowering in fear.

"Well I just wanted to say hi we'll meet in good time" he said and walked away. I made sure he wasn't around and looked around me in case he wasn't alone and drove home.

I parked in the garage of the house grabbed two bags out of the trunk and made my way in leaving the rest for the security to carry.

I walked in but froze in shock as I stared at Damien making a phone call.

The bag slipped from my hand and fell to the ground with a loud thud alerting Damien who had his back turned to me about to go upstairs he wasn't alone.

He turned around and ended the call when he saw me and gave me that smile I missed so much "hey princess" he said opening his arms for a hug. I immediately ran to him wrapping my arms and legs around me as he hoisted me off the ground "I missed you" I said not realizing when it slipped making him chuckle.

"I missed you too princess" he said placing a kiss on my hair.

When I finally regained my senses I pushed him off and gave him a tight slap shocking him.

"where have you been no calls or text for two months?" I said crossing my arms over my chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry okay it promise it won't happen again" he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

"Promise" I said pouting like a child

"I promise" he said placing a kiss on my forehead. He just held me in his arms and stared at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked wiping my face with my fingers but he held it.

"Nothing you look perfect. Beautiful" he said placing a kiss on my hand.

I don't know what came upon me but I found myself standing on my toes and pressed a kiss on his lips.

He was clearly shocked as his lips didn't move for sometime but he quickly recovered and kissed me back.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling closer and our tongues forth for dominance.He hoisted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I was placed on the soft surface of bed I didn't even realize when we went up the stairs as I was too deep into the kiss. My first kiss.

I let go off him and shrugged off his suit jacket not breaking contact with our lips. He tugged off my crop top leaving me with only my sports bra and cargo pants.

His lips came down to mine again. He trailed kisses from my lips to my collar bone and neck nipping and sucking on it.

His thumb brushed against my hardened nipples through my sports bra making me moan. I grinded my hips against his hardened erection making him groan on my neck

"God I missed you" he muttered taking my lips in his again.

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