Chapter 41

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Nora's POV
   I grabbed the change of clothes Damien brought for me  and went to take a shower.

I stripped off my clothes turned on the shower and hopped in.

How was I going to tell Damien about this my so called power of foretelling the future without sounding like I've lost a screw. Heavens help me.

I stepped out dried myself, slipped into the bagger trouser and oversized T-shirt and stepped out.

I wrapped my wet hair into a messy bun and glanced at Damien lying on the bed typing something on his phone.

He dropped his phone and sat up when he saw me at the door and tapped the space beside him telling me to sit.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside him. We sat there in silence for a few minutes with me thinking about how I was going to tell him.

"Nora" he said with sigh.

"Umm.." I said clearing my throat a little.

"There's this thing thats been happening to me lately when I touch something I kind of see a little vision about it going to have to do something with me or someone I know" i said taking a pause.

"Does that make sense?" I said thinking over what I just said.

"Not at all" he said shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Okay let me explain" I said turning my body so I facing him.

"Yesterday in the car I was bored so I decided to turn on the radio but when I touched it I saw a vision of the car exploding along with the other cars" I said hopping it understands.

"So you're saying you can see the future" he said with uncertainty and awe.

"Something like that I guess" I said tilting my head to the side.

"Nora that's actually quite amazing" he said calmly.

"But there's a problem" I said taking breath but he just raise his eyebrows at me as a sign for me to continue.

"I can't control it, it just happens" I said with a sigh.

"Oh"he said and nodded.

"Damien... i think we might have a rat in the gang" I said making his gaze harden.

"I know...because no one outside the gang knows about the tunnel and the person had access to it as he was able to go in and plant bombs on the cars and also gave them information about my return."

"Can I ask what happened when you were away. Don't tell me it's nothing cos it had to be something for us to get ambushed" I said turning my full attention waiting for an explanation.

"It's complicated" he said with a sigh running his hands through his face but I just gave him a look that said you better start talking.

"I went Russia to ambush and kill the mafia boss, but things didn't go well and the plan backfired. My safety wasn't guaranteed as I wasn't in my territory so I had to come back. I knew they were going to get revenge but not this soon" he said with a sigh.

"And this is definitely not the end if anything it's the fucking beginning and I want you by my side. No I need you by my side every step of the way" he said giving him a warm kiss on the forehead.

"I'm here for you this is my family too" I said holding his hands and giving him a small smile.

I pondered on telling him about the guy I met at the grocery store but I decided against it he already had a lot on his mind. I might probably not see him again.

I spent the rest of the day attending meetings, making phone calls, building strategies and other stuff.

By the time we were done the time was around four in the evening we decided to go for shopping to get more clothes, replace my phone and get a few other things we needed.

I slipped on my Jordan's and went outside to find Damien leaning on the car talking to Lucas. When Damien noticed me he dismissed Lucas who gave me a little bow as he passed me. We got into the car and drove off.

We stopped in front of a mall I got out first dragging Damien from store to store getting anything that caught my eye from the baggiest of clothes to gowns that barely covered anything.

The final stop at the mall was the phone section this time Damien took over as I knew nothing about phones.

In less than thirty minutes we were out with my new phone and laptop.

I reached out to Damien's pocket brought out the keys and opened the trunk as his hands were full. He placed them in and closed the trunk.

"Are we done for the day Madam?" He said mimicking a bow making me giggle.

"Not yet" I said making him groan.

We got in and drove off stopping in front of the mall. Damien grabbed a stroller and followed after me as I dumped my Oreos, Nutella bread Mac and cheese, milk, eggs, flour and some other things.

We walked over to the counter payed for our stuff dumped them in the back seat as the trunk was already full and drove off.

LA was already turning dark but it was still as busy as ever. The safe house was a little far from the city so we still had a long way to go.

We were soon out of the city and into a quiet road. I glanced at the side mirror for what felt like the hundredth before turning to meet Damien's gaze.

"You see it too right?" I asked keeping my eyes on the side mirror.

"Hmm" he said speeding up a little with the car behind us doing the same to keep up with us but still keeping a fair distance.

We soon came to the part of the road that had two roads. one lead to San Diego while the other lead Glendale. We took the one leading to Glendale because if we wanted to get back to the safe house we had to go through the one leading to San Diego but we weren't going to lead them there.

Damien's phone rang through the silent car he looked down to check the caller ID but I screamed making Damien smash on the breaks as car came out of nowhere and blocked the road.

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